
Funding Guide

How Our Funding Guide Works

A typical supportive housing residence receives funding from a complex combination of local, state, federal and private funding. As one of its chief goals, the Network helps its members keep abreast on all potential sources of funding for supportive housing. Below, you'll find the Network's comprehensive, regularly-updated Funding Guide.

Filter Funding Guide Sources




Program Type Status Source Agency
Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Capital, Pre-development/Acquisition Closed Private Private
Federal Housing Trust Fund (Federal HTF) Capital Closed Federal NYS HCR
HOME Investment Partnership Program (New York Localities) Capital, Operating Closed Federal Local Government
Housing Retention and Stabilization Services RFQ Services Closed New York City NYC HPD
HUD Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Competitive Grants Capital, Operating, Services, Pre-development/Acquisition Closed Federal US HUD
HUD Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Formula Grants Operating, Services Closed Federal NYC DOHMH, NYS OTDA
HUD Section 202: Supportive Housing for the Elderly Operating Closed Federal US HUD
Jerome-Anthony Avenue RFP Land Closed New York City NYC HPD
NYC HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Supportive Housing Program Operating, Services Closed New York City NYC HASA
NYC HPD Housing Retention and Stabilization Services RFQ Services Closed New York City NYC HPD
NYS Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Operating, Services Closed State NYS OMH
NYS Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) - Scattered Site Operating, Services Closed State NYS OMH
NYS OMH Supported Housing Operating, Services Closed State NYS OMH
NYS OTDA Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) Capital Closed State NYS OTDA
NYS OTDA Operational Support for AIDS Housing (OSAH) Operating Closed State NYS OTDA
NYS Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP) Services Closed State NYS OTDA
Seniors First RFP - Kingsborough and Morris Houses Land Closed New York City NYC HPD
Vital Brooklyn Kingsboro Psychiatric Center RFP Land Closed State NYS HCR
Con Edison Multi-Family Energy Efficiency Program Capital, Operating, Green Open Private Private
ELLA HPD Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
Federal and State Historic Preservation Tax Credits Capital Open Federal, State NYS SHPO
FJC Agency Loan Fund Pre-development/Acquisition Open Private Private
HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program Capital, Operating, Services Open Federal US HUD
HUD Section 8 Project-Based Housing Assistance Operating Open Federal NYC HPD, NYS HCR, NYS Housing Authority
HUD Section 8 Tenant-Based (a.k.a. Housing Choice Vouchers) Operating Open Federal NYC HPD, NYS HCR, NYS Housing Authority
HUD Section 811: Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Capital, Operating Open Federal US HUD
HUD Veterans Affairs Supported Housing Program (VASH) Operating Open Federal NYS Housing Authority, US HUD
Justice Involved Supportive Housing (JISH) RFP Operating, Services Open New York City NYC DOHMH
Leviticus Fund - Project Start Fund (PSF) Pre-development/Acquisition Open Private Private
Mix & Match Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
New York City Acquisition Fund Pre-development/Acquisition Open New York City, Private Private
NY State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (SLIHC) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYC 15/15 Congregate Services Services Open New York City NYC HRA
NYC 15/15 Rental Assistance Operating Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC 15/15 Scattered Site Operating, Services Open New York City NYC HRA
NYC Council and Borough President Discretionary Funding Capital, Operating Open New York City NYC Borough President, City Council
NYC Down Payment Assistance Fund (DPAF) Pre-development/Acquisition Open New York City, Private Private, NYC HPD
NYC HDC Extremely Low and Low Income Affordability (ELLA) Capital Open New York City NYC HDC
NYC HPD 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Extremely Low and Low-Income Affordability (ELLA) Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD LIHTC Preservation (Year 15) Program Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Mixed-Income Program (Mix & Match) Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Multifamily Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP) Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Our Space Initiative Services Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Participation Loan Program (PLP) Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Planning and Development Resources RFQ Other Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Senior Affordable Rental Apartments (SARA) Program Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Supportive Housing Loan Program (SHLP) Capital Open New York City NYC HPD
NYC HRA Senior Affordable Housing Tenant Services (SARA Services) Services Open New York City NYC HRA
NYS Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Operating, Services Open State NYS OMH
NYS HCR 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Capital Open Federal NYS HCR
NYS HCR Clean Energy Initiative Program Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Homes for Working Families (HWF) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Hotel and Commercial Conversions Program Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Low-Income Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Capital, Pre-development/Acquisition Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Middle Income Housing Program (MIHP) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Multifamily Preservation Program (MPP) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund (CIF) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Senior Housing Program Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (SHOP) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Supportive Housing Preservation Program Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Capital, Green Open Federal NYS HCR
NYS HFA 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HFA New Construction Capital Program (NCP) Capital Open State NYS HCR
NYS HOME Investment Partnership Program Capital Open Federal NYS HCR
NYS HOME-ARP Capital, Services Open Federal NYS HCR
NYS OMH CR-SRO Operating, Services Open State NYS OMH
NYS OMH SP-SRO Operating, Services Open State NYS OMH
NYS OMH Supportive Scattered Site Housing Operating, Services Open State NYS OMH
NYSERDA Multifamily Building Performance Program Capital, Green Open State NYSERDA
HHS Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals Services Archived Federal US HHS
HUD Shelter Plus Care Program Operating Archived Federal US HUD
HUD SRO Moderate Rehabilitation Program Operating Archived Federal US HUD
HUD Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Capital, Operating, Services Archived Federal US HUD
New York/New York III: Pop A (Congregate Community Adult SPMI) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC DOHMH, NYS OMH
New York/New York III: Pop B (Congregate State Psychiatric Adult SPMI) Operating, Services Archived State NYS OMH
New York/New York III: Pop C (Youth SPMI) Operating, Services Archived State NYS OMH
New York/New York III: Pop D (Family SPMI) Operating, Services Archived New York City NYC DOHMH
New York/New York III: Pop E (Substance Abuse Active) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC DOHMH
New York/New York III: Pop F (Substance Abuse Recovery) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC DOHMH, NYS OASAS
New York/New York III: Pop G (Family Disability) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC DOHMH, NYS OASAS
New York/New York III: Pop H (HIV/AIDS) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC HASA
New York/New York III: Pop I (Young Adults Aging out of Foster Care) Operating, Services Archived State, New York City NYC DOHMH
NYC DHS SRO Support Services (NYSSHP) Operating, Services Archived New York City NYC DHS
NYC HPD Low Income Program (LIP) Capital Archived New York City NYC HPD
NYC HPD Low-Income Affordable Marketplace Program (LAMP) Capital Archived New York City NYC HDC
NYS DOH Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Health Home Supportive Housing Program Services Archived State NYS DOH
NYS HCR Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Housing Capital Program Capital Archived State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Rural Area Revitalization Projects (RARP) Capital, Pre-development/Acquisition Archived State NYS HCR
NYS HCR Urban Initiatives Program (UI) Capital, Pre-development/Acquisition Archived State NYS HCR