
HUD Section 8 Project-Based Housing Assistance

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Status: Available





Procurement Agency

NYC HPD, NYS HCR, NYS Housing Authority


Project-Based Section 8, or Project-Based Vouchers (PBV), are HUD-funded rental assistance that is made available to affordable housing developers by local housing authorities or agencies.

Tenant Eligibility Criteria

Low-income households earning 80% or less of the area median income (AMI), with 40% of new admissions required to be extremely low-income, defined as at or below 30% of AMI.

Eligible Applicants

For-profit and nonprofit developers are eligible to receive Project-Based Housing Assistance.


Project-based Housing Assistance is based on the local Fair Market Rent (FMR) levels that are determined annually by HUD. Tenants typically pay 30% of their adjusted income and HUD pays the landlord the difference between that and the FMR.


Typically 20 years, with the option of pre-paying the mortgage and opting out sooner.

Network Notes

New York State Homes and Community Renewal is making Project-Based vouchers available for new and existing supportive housing projects funded by HCR or OTDA’s HHAP program.

While there is normally no new funding for Project Based Section 8 appropriated by Congress on an annual basis, public housing authorities have the authority to "project-base" up to 20% of their tenant based Section 8 portfolio.

For More Information

See HPD's most recent Project-based Voucher RFP here. Submission deadline:

See HCR's Fall 2023 RFP here. Submission deadline: November 3, 2023


Last updated: 10/03/2023

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