

The Network's federal advocacy efforts focus on the budget and policy priorities critical to supportive housing in New York State. Our overall goal is to increase supportive housing production and improve the legislative and regulatory environment for our members to do their best work in service of the homeless and formerly homeless people.


The Network focuses annually on increasing appropriations for key U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), particularly the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program. We continue to fight for capital funding in the National Housing Trust Fund and HOME Investment Partnerships and expanded rental assistance, both project and tenant based.

ACTION Campaign

The Network also participates in the ACTION Campaign which seeks support for the Federal Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act. he goal is to expand the amount of available Low Income Housing Tax Credits and to improve the effectiveness of the program, with a particular emphasis as a tool to develop supportive housing.

Right of First Refusal Protection

The Network is working with local and national partners to protect nonprofits continued ownership of supportive and affordable housing once investors have exited Low Income Housing Tax Credit funded deals. See these recent articles about a dispute between Alden Torch and an affordable housing nonprofit in Boston:


See these recent articles about a dispute between Alden Torch and an affordable housing nonprofit in Boston:

And between Sun America and Riseboro in New York City:

For more information, contact Rebecca Zangen.

Our federal policy priorities are driven by our members. Reach out to us!