Status: Archived
Operating, Services
New York City
Procurement Agency
NY/NY III provides service and operating funding for permanent supportive housing in New York City. All units have been allocated and this RFP is now closed.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Chronically homeless families, or families at risk of becoming chronically homeless, in which the head of household suffers from serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) or a mentally ill and chemically addicted (MICA) disorder.
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit service providers with experience serving those with Serious Mental Illness are eligible to apply.
$25,000 per unit.
DOHMH anticipates that awarded contracts will be for an initial three-year period with two three-year options to renew.
Network Notes
- DOHMH is overseeing the request for proposal (RFP) process for all 400 units.
- All of these units are congregate and are expected to be built with capital subsidies from the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and/or NYS Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) and NYS Housing and Community Renewal (HCR) Unified Funding.
- These awards are made as soft commitments until the building is in construction. DOHMH has one rolling RFP for all Pop D units.
All units have been allocated and this RFP is now closed.
For More Information
For additional information on DOHMH's RFP, visit here.
Gail Wolsk
Office of Housing Services
(347) 396-6933
Last updated: 08/27/2019