Status: Archived
Operating, Services
Procurement Agency
NY/NY III provides service and operating funding for permanent supportive housing or licensed CR-SROs in New York City. All of the units for this population have been awarded, and the RFP for the funding of these units is now closed.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Young adults ages 18-24 who are diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and receiving treatment in state-licensed Residential Treatment Facilities or State-operated psychiatric facilities.
All young adults must be at risk of homelessness and able to live independently in the community if provided with supportive housing.
Maximum award per unit from OMH:
- $18,136 per unit for Supported Single Room Occupancy (SP-SRO) programs and
- $21,030 for Community Residence SRO (CR-SRO) programs.
This amount does not include resident rent contribution. OMH offers an additional $22,975 per young adult for additional services to providers awarded Youth SPMI units.
Five years, with an initial period of one year and four annual renewals.
Network Notes
- Capital funding for congregate projects is provided by OMH, NYS HCR, NYS OTDA and NYC HPD. For the State share of units for individuals living with mental illness, OMH is providing most of the capital funding.
- The transitional nature of the youth SPMI units will require providers to provide additional services to prepare young people for independent living, therefore OMH offers a large amount of additional service funding to make this viable.
- Maximum of 25 Pop. C units per project, which may be a distinct part of a larger housing project serving adults or a mixed-use/mixed-income supportive housing project.
- These awards are made as soft commitments until the building is in construction. OMH issued specific RFPs for these units in the first few years of the Agreement.
All of the units for this population have been awarded, and the RFP for the funding of these units is now closed.
For More Information
Visit OMH's RFP page here.
NYC Field Office
Caren Abate
(212) 330-6367
Last updated: 08/30/2019