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Father John Felice, Friar St Francis Friends of the Poor and Supportive Housing Pioneer Passes
The Network is deeply saddened by the passing of Father John Felice, a leading light who, with Father John McVean, co-founded St. Francis Residence 1 – the first permanent, affordable housing with on-site services for people with serious mental illness who did not have a home...the start of what is now called supportive housing.

New OMH Rates
The recently passed New York State budget included increases for Office of Mental Health-funded residential programs including scattered site. These rates include both the second year of enhancements and the additional 4% COLA and went into effect April 1, 2023. Rates for OMH scattered site are highest in NYC, rising by $2,751/unit to $27,372/year. Note that for NYC direct contracts, the rate increases should be added to your new contract.

The Network Hosts its 21st Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference
On June 29th over 1,500 members of the supportive housing community joined the Network for its 21st Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference. The conference featured 23 panels with experts sharing updates and best practices and tools for providers in supportive housing including how to utilize harm reduction, affirm LGBTQIA+ communities, the importance of using humanizing language, de-escalation, clinical risk management and supporting staff.

The Network Joins the National Alliance to End Homelessness’ Advocacy Day
This month at the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the Network once again spearheaded the advocacy day, leading over 30 New Yorkers to the Hill. This year, people with lived experience played a prominent role, leading several meetings including a key visit to the Capitol in which we met with New York’s Senior Senator, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Our primary ask was for a substantial increase in funding in the Housing and Urban Development budget including an additional $3.9 billion for the McKinney-Vento program, which happily passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee later in the week. Also joining us in the effort were several representatives from Network members, Continuum of Care leaders, and Ann Oliva, the CEO of NAEH, who joined the meeting in Hakeem Jeffries’ office. Thanks to all who attended.

Project Renewal Tops Off Bedford Green House Phase II
On Friday, July 14 Project Renewal joined project partners and Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson for a topping-off celebration of Bedford Green House Phase II, which will create 116 new affordable apartments, 70 supportive, in the Fordham Heights section of the Bronx. Bedford Green House Phase I opened in January 2022 and created 117 affordable apartments, including 71 supportive. Together, the two buildings will provide 233 supportive and affordable homes. Project Renewal will provide on-site services, including case management, occupational therapy, entitlement support and horticultural therapy, funded by the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) through the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYS OMH).