Categories: Network Events

This month at the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the Network once again spearheaded the advocacy day, leading over 30 New Yorkers to the Hill. This year, people with lived experience played a prominent role, leading several meetings including a key visit to the Capitol in which we met with New York’s Senior Senator, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Our primary ask was for a substantial increase in funding in the Housing and Urban Development budget including an additional $3.9 billion for the McKinney-Vento program, which happily passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee later in the week. Also joining us in the effort were several representatives from Network members, Continuum of Care leaders, and Ann Oliva, the CEO of NAEH, who joined the meeting in Hakeem Jeffries’ office. Thanks to all who attended.
The keynote speaker Rep. Cori Bush (D, MO) spoke forcefully about her lived experience, and asserted that the United States has the resources to end homelessness. She urged the participants to join her in the effort.