2024 Tenant of the Year Nominee Celebration
On February 18th the Network joined tenants nominated for the Network’s 2024 Outstanding Tenant of the Year award and supportive housing staff at Trinity Commons Parish Hall for a celebration.
Continue ReadingThe Network Hosts its 2025 Annual State Lobby Day
On February 3rd the Network hosted its 2025 State Lobby Day at the State Capitol in Albany. Over 200 supportive housing staff and tenants from across the State joined us to advocate for critical funding for supportive housing programs: the New York State Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP) and the Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP), to pass the Supportive Housing Modernization Act (S136/A2134), and include a 7.8% investment in the human services sector in the final state budget. The day included more than 70 meetings with representatives, a lunch program and a press conference.
Continue ReadingThe Racial Equity in Supportive Housing Workgroup Celebrates Third Readying Emerging Leaders in Supportive Housing Cohort Graduation
On December 13th, the Racial Equity in Supportive Housing (RESH) Workgroup celebrated the third Readying Emerging Leaders in Supportive Housing (RELISH) Cohort Graduation ceremony at the Mezzanine by Liberty Church in New York City.
Continue ReadingThe Network Hosts 2024 Annual Awards Gala
On October 28th, the Network hosted its 2024 Annual Awards Gala. Members and partners across the entire supportive housing sector joined to celebrate our incredible community, to honor two Outstanding Tenants of the Year – Maria del Consuelo Rodriguez and Sean Butterfield -- and, last but not least, to network.
Sean Butterfield, Outstanding Tenant of the Year
“I've seen Sean grow through a lot of trials and tribulations,” said Frank Amalfitano, President and CEO at United Veterans Beacon House (UVBH) on Long Island. “He has dealt with the problems as they came, asked for assistance as needed and handled the problems without panic and regret. And he always puts his family first.”
Continue ReadingMaria del Consuelo Rodriguez, Outstanding Tenant of the Year
“Maria is fearless. She is a person of immense strength, and you can see by the way she carries herself with her children, how her children are really the engine that keeps her going,” says Gabriela Sandoval Requena, Director of Policy and Communications at New Destiny Housing.
The Network Hosts its 22nd Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference
On June 20th, 2024 over 2,000 registrants joined the Network for its 22nd Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference. The conference featured 23 panels with experts sharing updates and best practices for providers and operators of supportive housing, including new strategies to support older adults, the power of tenant leadership, BIPOC mentorship initiatives, understanding new ways to prevent and resolve a crisis, how to foster accountability after incidents of harm, a new lifesaving overdose strategy, preserving supportive housing and ending the criminalization of homelessness.
The Network Hosts Inaugural Virtual City Council Lobby Day
On March 12th the Network hosted its inaugural virtual City Council Lobby Day. The Network facilitated a series of 19 meetings with City Council members and/or their staff, 16 throughout that day, and three as follow-ups, aimed at educating stakeholders about issues impacting supportive housing staff and tenants.
Continue ReadingThe Network and Members Gather to Celebrate the Past Year in Supportive Housing
On Thursday, March 7th, the Network joined over 150 members of the supportive housing community for our 2024 Annual Meeting to reflect on and celebrate the past year in accomplishments and challenges.
Continue ReadingThe Network Meets with Over 50 Legislators in Albany
Over 140 supportive housing staff and tenants traveled to Albany on February 28th to call on the Governor and the Legislature to ensure the state commits to saving first generation supportive housing funded by the New York State Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP) and investing in the supportive housing workforce, starting by including a 3.2% COLA for direct service workers in the SFY 2024-25 budget expected to be passed shortly.
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