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In this historic moment when #BlackLivesMatter protests in NYC and across the country are highlighting existing racial disparities that COVID-19 is only exacerbating, we cannot place the burden of our $9 billion budget deficit on our Black communities. The city is outrageously proposing 40 percent cuts to the affordable housing capital budget and potentially major cuts to social service budgets. Meanwhile, it has taken public outcry and advocacy for the City to even consider restructuring the NYPD budget.

Network Speaks at City Council Press Conference Opposing Affordable Housing Budget Cuts
Network Executive Director Laura Mascuch joined fellow housing advocates to speak at Council Members Brad Lander, Vanessa Gibson and Robert Cornegy’s press conference opposing affordable housing cuts in the capital budget. The event followed the release of Lander and Gibson’s:
A Capital Mistake for NYC, an analysis on the costs to housing, jobs, and infrastructure of proposed cuts to capital spending.

Letter to Network Community
On May 25th, the world watched as a white Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd in cold blood, adding to the unthinkable amount of killings and violence against Black people at the hands of the police and agents of white supremacy. Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and Tony McDade are only a few of the people who have had their lives taken in the past months who deserve our attention and action.

Capital Project Update
Although last month the NYS Division of Budget released Budget Bulletin B-1223 “pausing” all existing capital projects including supportive/affordable projects, the DOB has approved all OTDA HHAP and HCR 9% capital projects that have award letters to move toward closing. It is unclear at this time how future projects will be impacted.

Network & Breaking Ground Distribute NYC-Donated PPE: 2M Masks & 500K Gloves
The City of New York generously donated several shipments of Personal Protective Equipment to the supportive housing community for tenants and staff which the Network and Breaking Ground’s Michael Rosen have been distributing.