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The Network’s Response To COVID-19: A Letter From Laura Mascuch image

The Network’s Response To COVID-19: A Letter From Laura Mascuch


Dear Supportive Housing Community:

We want to express our deepest thanks and admiration: to our members who are working tirelessly to keep their tenants, their staff and their organizations safe; to our government partners who are working 24/7 to provide flexibility, guidance and support to our nonprofit community, to the foundations and financial institutions who are offering financial and material support, and to the individuals and groups who, seeing a desperate need in New York are reaching out to offer assistance. We would also like to extend our sympathies to all of you who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a community, we have suffered many losses to this shockingly lethal virus in an unthinkably short period of time. 

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OMH Guidance On Background Check Process image

OMH Guidance On Background Check Process


In response to increasing concerns regarding staffing shortages related to COVID-19, the background check process required of authorized OMH programs has been temporarily modified. OMH posted guidance that outlines the following:

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Ecomonic Impact Payments For Low Income Households image

Ecomonic Impact Payments For Low Income Households


As you probably know, all low-income individuals are eligible for a $1,200 stimulus check ($2,400 for joint returns, $500 for each qualifying child) known as Economic Impact Payments.

Any low-income individual who has filed a tax return in the past two years and cannot be claimed as a dependent will receive the monies automatically.

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FEMA Releases Request for Public Assistance Grants image

FEMA Releases Request for Public Assistance Grants


FEMA released a rolling Request for Public Assistance (RPA) March 20th in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and it appears supportive housing providers are eligible to apply. Grants can be used to pay for costs incurred as of January 20th related to actions taken to “save lives, protect public health and safety, or eliminate threat of significant damage to public and private property.”  The Incident Period stretches to September 19th.

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NYS Legislature Passes SFY 20-2021 Budget - Supportive Housing Analysis image

NYS Legislature Passes SFY 20-2021 Budget - Supportive Housing Analysis


Voting remotely, the NYS Legislature has passed the SFY 20-2021 budget, which mostly mirrors what the Governor proposed in January for supportive housing. This is an unprecedented time with the state facing a great deal of uncertainty about future revenue and COVID-19-related costs. Given our current circumstances, we are grateful to the state for maintaining existing supportive housing service and development funding levels.

We also understand this budget could change over the next few weeks as lawmakers determine how much federal aid will be coming into the state and if they can maintain the existing revenue projections. If the state doesn’t have enough revenue to cover expenses, the Division of Budget is authorized to make across the board cuts.

Here is our analysis of the various budget areas important to the supportive housing community that is included in the final budget. 

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