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Albany Update
The NYS Legislature concluded this year’s legislative session in early June by passing a number of bills that impact supportive housing providers and tenants.

National Alliance to End Homelessness Capitol Hill Day 2021
On June 16th, the Network and Homeless Services United spearheaded the annual National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) Advocacy Day for New York State. Over 50 supportive housing providers, homeless service providers and people with lived experience shared the Network’s platform in seventeen virtual meetings. The platform includes support for $3.5 billion in McKinney-Vento funding for the Continuums of Care and for 200,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers, both of which are the Biden administration’s budget priorities. The House plans on marking up the HUD budget on July 12th.

Predevelopment and Down Payment Funding Available in NYC
The Down Payment Assistance Fund (DPAF) recently launched a Predevelopment Loan product at a 4% interest rate. Loans are anticipated to be in the amount of $500,000 and potentially up to $1 million. The Predevelopment Loan cover letter can be found here and the application can be found here. This product is currently open to nonprofits in the HPD pipeline with a project that is at least 30% supportive.

Mayor’s FY 2022 Executive Budget Analysis
The mayor recently released the $98.6 billion Executive Budget for fiscal year 2022 (FY22). Read on for budget highlights pertaining to supportive housing and the human services sector.

May Community Corner
Good news: as a result of years of advocacy by groups including VOCAL-NY, the Brennan Center, NYCLU, Alliance of Families for Justice, and Let NY Vote, the legislature passed and Governor Cuomo just signed into law a bill lifting a ban on voting rights for parolees. The law allows all formerly incarcerated people in New York the right to vote immediately upon release.