Scenes from the 2017 supportive housing conference.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Series A
NYC & NYS: Addressing the Homelessness &Affordable Housing Crisis
State and City leaders are working to address the homelessness and affordable housing crisis through a number of historic commitments, not least of which is the City and State’s combined commitment to creating 35,000 units of supportive housing over the next fifteen years. Come hear about these and other homeless initiatives underway.
Steven Banks, Commissioner, NYC Department of Social Services
Barbara Guinn, Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
Ann T. Sullivan, MD, Commissioner, NYS Office of Mental Health
Molly Park, Deputy Commissioner for Development, NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation and Development
RuthAnne Visnauskas, Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, NYS Homes & Community Renewal
Moderator: Laura Mascuch, Executive Director, Supportive Housing Network of New York
In with the Old: How to Preserve our Aging Housing Stock
As many projects come up on Year 15 there are challenges and opportunities in both the financing and how we deal with in place rehabs. For those non-tax credit projects, how can other preservation programs help protect your portfolio? Hear from nonprofit developers, government, syndicators and consultants on how they are navigating this thorny issue.
Arlo Monell Chase, Vice President of Real Estate Development, Services for the UnderServed
Claire Donnelly, Disposition Manager, Enterprise Community Asset Management
David Kamnitzer, Senior Vice President of Residential, Rehabilitation and Support Services, Institute for Community Living
Kerry LaBotz, Year 15 Director, NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development
Moderator: Amy Larovere, Consultant, A. Larovere Consulting
You Gotta Have Faith: Development Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations
A number of faith-based organizations have underutilized properties and are looking for resources to rebuild their houses of worship. One would think that partnering with mission driven nonprofits to develop supportive housing would be, literally, a marriage made in heaven. Yet these matches are not easily made. Learn the ins and outs of partnering with faith-based organizations, about examples of these partnerships and about efforts to increase the number of these collaborations.
Greg Maher, Executive Director, The Leviticus Fund
Sam Marks, Executive Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation NYC
Richard Nightingale, President & Chief Executive Officer, Westhab
Pastor Kermitt Williams, Executive Director/CEO, Kingdom Faith Developers
Moderator: Jonathan Soto, Executive Director, Center for Faith and Community Partnerships, NYC Mayor’s Office
Get Your Groove On: Movement Practices in Supportive Housing
Panelists offer insights as to how their programming of dance and body conditioning has benefits for both tenants and staff. Panelists will provide hands-on instruction, share evidence-based research into the efficacy of these practices, highlight free and low-cost resources, and give various budget options to incorporate these programs into your organization.
Karisa Antonio, Director of Arts, Culture & Fitness, Lantern Community Services
David Brand, LMSW, Certified Personal Trainer, Consultant for Lantern Community Services
Eryc Taylor, Founder & Artistic Director, Eryc Taylor Dance and ETD Outreach
Kendra Van Horn, Director of Physical Fitness & Shape Up NYC, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation
Moderator: Sarah Schenck, Chief Digital & Communications Officer, Supportive Housing Network of New York
Justice Involved Supportive Housing
A little over a year ago, the City and three providers embarked on a program to provide supportive housing to the most vulnerable individuals who were cycling between jail and shelter upon release. Hear from the providers and agencies as to how the initiative is proceeding.
Ian Alcazar, Deputy Executive Director, Urban Pathways
Angeles Delgado, Vice-President, CAMBA
Jennifer Scaife, Executive Director of Prevention, Diversion & Reintegration, Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
Rebecca Sievers, Senior Program Specialist, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Carolyn Slade, Director of Justice Involved Supportive Housing, Fortune Society
Moderator: Kristin Miller, New York Director, CSH
Promoting People of Color in Leadership Roles
To better reflect the diverse communities and the people that are primarily served in the human service nonprofit sector, specifically in the supportive housing community, it is important to address the issue of the lack of representation of people of color in leadership and executive roles. Come listen to a thoughtful conversation among community leaders and executives of color working to address this complex issue.
Elizabeth Garcia, Division Director - Supportive Housing & Outreach Initiatives, Good Shepherd Services
Dr. Rosa Gil, President & CEO, Comunilife
Kelsey Louie, Chief Executive Officer, GMHC
Frederick Shack, Chief Executive Officer, Urban Pathways
Moderator: Edline Jacquet, Senior Policy Analyst, Supportive Housing Network of New York
Advocacy with Lived Experience
As seasoned advocates know well, personal stories are what move politicians and policymakers. Meanwhile, participating in political advocacy can be a transformative means of gaining personal power. Hear from people whose personal experience informs their advocacy and activism and get inspired to make change together.
Skye Adrian, Co-Chair, NYC Coalition for the Continuum of Care Youth Advisory Board
Doug Collins, Resident, The Narragansett, Housing & Services Inc.
Kim Munnerlyn, Resident, Jericho Residence I
Stanley Richards, Executive Vice President, The Fortune Society
Moderator: Robert Robinson, Staff Volunteer, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
Innovating with ESSHI
The new Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) has already spurred development of a range of projects for populations that have not previously been the focus for supportive housing. Come hear about a variety of these projects, including ones that serve survivors of domestic violence, homeless seniors and people coming out of jails and prisons.
David Condliffe, Executive Director, Center for Community Alternatives
Lee Dillon, Executive Director, Tompkins Community Action
Paul Freitag, Executive Director, West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing
Jennica Petrik-Huff, Project Manager, The Community Builders
William J. Simmons, Executive Director, Syracuse Housing Authority
Martin Teller, Finger Lakes Area Counseling & Recovery Agency
Moderator: Stephen Piasecki, Upstate Member Services Coordinator, Supportive Housing Network of New York
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Series B
NYC 15/15: Launching the City’s Supportive Housing Commitment
NYC 15/15 is the City's historic commitment to supportive housing: 15,000 units over the next fifteen years! Learn how both the scattered site and congregate components of this commitment are being implemented from leaders at relevant City agencies.
Patricia Dawson, Director for Supportive and Senior Housing, NYC Human Resources Administration
Emily Lehman, Director of Planning & Development Division of Special Needs Housing, NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development
Moderator: Michael Bosket, Deputy Commissioner, Customized Assistance Services, NYC Human Resources Administration
Let’s Work It Out! Constructive Approaches to Conflict
This interactive workshop introduces basic concepts of conflict resolution and ways to apply these techniques in supportive housing. We will focus on different types of mediation, share information on how to access free and low-cost mediation resources in New York, and engage in hands-on practice of alternative dispute resolution skills.
Dan Berstein, Founder, MH Mediate
Maria R. Volpe, Professor of Sociology; Director, Dispute Resolution Program, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Director, CUNY Dispute Resolution Center
Moderator: Steve Coe, Chief Executive Officer, Community Access
Housing Policy Under Trump: What We Can Do?
While housing policy under the Trump administration would seem the bleakest in history, this panel of national partners will tell us how we can work together to protect the programs vital to the creation of supportive housing.
Steve Berg, Program & Policy Director, National Alliance to End Homelessness
Emily Cadik, Federal Policy Director, Enterprise Community Partners
Sarah Mickelson, Director of Policy, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Moderator: Deborah VanAmerongen, Strategic Policy Director, Nixon Peabody
Buried in Treasure Comes to Supportive Housing
Regulars at our conference will know the work of Randy Frost and Lee Shuer, originator and promulgator of the Buried in Treasure approach to helping people with hoarding issues de-clutter. Last year, the Center for Urban Community Services took this groundbreaking approach into two Breaking Ground residences and the results were very encouraging. Come hear from the folks who ran the groups as well as a tenant who participated.
Walter Berry, Resident, The Times Square
Christine Boehler, Assistant Program Director, The Prince George, Center for Urban Community Services
Joseph Drucker, Social Worker, The Times Square, Center for Urban Community Services
Lee Shuer, Founder, Mutual Support Consulting
Ada Welch, Research and Evaluation Manager, Center for Urban Community Services
Moderator: Stacy Matuza, Deputy Chief Program Officer, Center for Urban Community Services
Navigating Intimate Partner Violence in Supportive Housing
Come learn about primary prevention, the unique dynamics of intimate partner violence, best practices for intervention, and a safety planning framework to prevent the escalation of violence within the specific context of supportive housing. You will leave with tools to inform your programs and prevent escalation.
Maureen Curtis, Vice President of Criminal Justice Programs, Safe Horizon
Lisa Rachmuth, Director of Clinical Initiatives and Programming, NYC Human Resources Administration Office of Domestic Violence
Joscelyn Truitt, Director of Programs and Community Partnership, Brooklyn Family Justice Center/Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence
Moderator: Daniel Tietz, Chief Special Services Officer, NYC Human Resources Administration
Property Management: 3 Successful Approaches
The tension between property management and social services – making sure rent expectations are met and that tenants are not made homeless again -- is a central issue in supportive housing. Wondering how to do it right? Here are three approaches: two nonprofits partnering; one nonprofit doing it all and one nonprofit working with a for-profit property management company to lay out the pros and cons of their methods.
James Dill, Executive Director, Housing & Services, Inc.
Tracey Erhardt, Program Director, The Christopher, Center for Urban Community Services
Sharon Haberer, Director of Social Services, ImPACCt
Lorenzo Torres, Director of Facilities Operations, Asset Management, Breaking Ground
Moderator: Kevin Hoffman, Vice President, Richman Housing Resources
Addressing Youth Homelessness in New York City
Over the last several years, New York City has undertaken a number of efforts to better address the needs of homeless youth. This panel will focus on the efforts of the Mayor’s Office and the two largest city agencies working with homeless youth as to how they are coordinating their work to meet the needs of homeless and at-risk youth.
David Hansell, Commissioner, NYC Administration for Children’s Services
Susan Haskell, Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Youth & Community Development
Maryanne Schretzman, Executive Director, NYC Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence
Moderator: Ritchie Torres, Council Member –15th District, NYC Council
Integrating Healthcare in Housing
With foundation support, Urban Pathways developed and implemented a plan for helping staff and tenants at one residence rethink how to help tenants improve their health and healthcare utilization. The results were so stunning that they are expanding the initiative to another residence. Come hear what they did and learned.
Freddy Fortoso, Administrator, Essen Medical
Kishea Paulemont, Program Director, Hughes House, Urban Pathways
Ariana Saunders, Chief Compliance Officer, Urban Pathways
Irene Treadwell, Nurse, Urban Pathways
Moderator: Rachael Pine, Program Officer, Altman Foundation
3:20PM —4:45 PM Series C
ESSHI One Year In
It’s been a year since the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) announcement at the Network’s Conference. State partners have been working overtime to roll out the RFP, award the units, track progress and guide agencies through the capital funding maze. Today, some of the key state partners will join us to celebrate the anniversary, review the year to date progress, and look forward to year two.
Sean Fitzgerald, Assistant Commissioner, NYS Homes & Community Renewal
Kerri Neifeld, NYS Governor’s Office
Moira Tashjian, Associate Commissioner, NYS Office of Mental Health
Richard Umholtz, Director, NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance
Moderator: Mark H. Fuller, President, DePaul
Filling the Gaps: Financing Development in Uncertain Times
As uncertainty abounds in the federal budget, tax reform and potential cuts to programs, how do we make sure we get the deals done? Hear from government funders, nonprofit and for-profit developers as to how they are weathering the storm and thoughts for the future.
Martin Dunn, President, Dunn Development Corporation
Ralph Fasano, Executive Director, Concern for Independent Living
Leora Jontef, Vice President of Multi-Family Finance and New Construction, Homes & Community Renewal
Paula Roy Carethers, Executive Vice President of Real Estate, NYC Housing Development Corporation
Moderator: Richard Roberts, Managing Director - Acquisitions, Red Stone Equity Partners
CAPS in NYC: The Story Thus Far
As HUD moves towards mandating Coordinated Entry for all Continua across the nation, what is happening in NYC? Hear about the new HRA shelter assessment pilot, the work being done on the CAPS Steering Committee and the road ahead.
Craig Retchless, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, NYC Human Resources Administration
Jeannette Ruffins, Senior Vice President, Bailey House
Norm Suchar, Director of the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs, US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Moderator: Kristen Edwards, Consultant, CAPS
Operationalizing the Talk: Really Supporting Staff
Come hear about innovative organizational systems addressing vicarious trauma to help prevent burnout, proactively identify opportunities for prevention, and grow staff retention and resilience at your agency. Learn the tools to build a roadmap to help your agency work through secondary stress with staff.
Mary Adams, Managing Director of Mental Health and Wellness, University Settlement/The Door
Shaun Adams, Program Director, The Prince George, Center for Urban Community Services
Celso Batista, Building Director, The Prince George, Breaking Ground
Moderator: Chauntel Gerdes, Prevention and Outreach Coordinator of Victim Services Program/Project Envision, Mount Sinai-Beth Israel Hospital
Chill Out: Meditation for All
Simple mindfulness practices foster resilience and healing for the whole residence and community. Meditation also creates a ‘safe space’ for staff and tenants in supportive housing to come together in a new relationship context with each other. The workshop will begin and end with brief guided meditations, share examples of different approaches to meditation, and showcase collaboration between a nonprofit supportive housing organization and a nonprofit meditation education organization.
Paul Feuerstein, President & CEO, Barrier Free Living
Francisco Lugovina, Sensei & Founder, Hudson River Peacemaker Center-House of One People
Sasha Parmasad, TM instructor & Associate Director, Women’s Initiative, David Lynch Foundation
Moderator: Christy Parque, Chief Executive Officer, The Coalition for Behavioral Health
Getting a Better Education for the Children Who Live in Supportive Housing
Connecting school-age children in family supportive housing to educational resources is not just critical for the children. It’s a vital way to connect to their parents. Learn how providers have developed relationships with schools in their communities, hear about NYC’s recently-launched Community Schools initiatives and learn how to help parents advocate for educational services and support from a children’s advocacy organization.
Ellen Baxter, Executive Director, Broadway Housing Communities
Jennifer MitchellMayer, Program Development and Design Manager, NYC Dept. of Education
Erika Palmer, Supervising Attorney, Advocates for Children
Jael Sanchez, Director of Supportive Housing, Broadway Housing Communities
Whittaker Wright, Director of Employment and Education, Lantern Community Services
Moderator: Bea De la Torre, Managing Director of Housing, Robin Hood
The Good of Green: Urban Farming and Horticulture
There are many ways to integrate urban farming and horticulture into supportive housing programs, even without a green roof or empty lot! Panelists will discuss their programs, which range in scale and scope. From social enterprise to tenant-driven gardens, benefits include employment opportunities, improved nutrition and health, stress reduction, community building, skill development and more.
Rica Bryan, Health and Wellness Coordinator, Community Access
Patricia Callahan, Director, Vocational Services, The Bridge
Mike Hollis, Urban Farms Director, Services for the UnderServed, Inc.
Deborah Kaplan, Director, Green Keepers, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Moderator: Mitchell Netburn, President & CEO, Project Renewal