Status: Available
Capital, Operating, Services
Procurement Agency
The CoC provides capital, service and operating funding for permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing across the United States.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Homeless individuals and families. Disability is required for permanent supportive housing. Disabilities include mental health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit organizations providing permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless people or rapid rehousing.
Leasing costs are tied to the Fair Market Rent (FMR) established by HUD for the area. However, there are no formal limits associated with the non-rental operating or service costs, although costs should be reasonable for the size and scope of the proposed project.
Grant terms for new projects range from one to three years but there are a number of exceptions. Renewals of current projects are all 1-year contracts subject to approval.
Network Notes
- Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program funds are distributed competitively to local communities through a CoC planning and application process. The Network strongly encourages any agency interested in homeless housing to participate in your local CoC planning process. A list of New York State CoCs is available here.
CoC funding previously had several different program names. See the following programs:
Shelter Plus Care Program
SRO Program (aka SRO Moderate Rehabilitation Program)
Supportive Housing Program - The Continuum is responsible for soliciting individual project proposals in an open process and evaluating and prioritizing them. They typically consist of new and renewal projects that require ongoing operating and/or services funding.
Currently, most funding for new projects will come from the reallocation of existing, underutilized funds as decided by the local CoC.
Capital, rental assistance and supportive services funding requires a 25% match. However, leasing, rental assistance where the not-for-profit agency holds the leases does not require a match.
All CoC funded projects must prioritize chronically homeless individuals or families and are strongly encouraged to adopt housing first models.
For More Information
For grant applications, resource guides and other materials, visit HUD's website.
HUD Buffalo Field Office
William O'Connell
(716) 551-5755, x5800
HUD New York Regional Office
Vincent Hom
(212) 542-7401
Last updated: 08/30/2019