
HRA’s Patricia Dawson talks about the City’s first RFP for Young Adult Families

Categories: Funding


HRA has just released the City’s first scattered-site supportive housing RFP for young adults families. 

Blog post by Patricia Dawson, Director for Senior and Supportive Housing at NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)

HRA has just released the City’s first scattered-site supportive housing RFP for young adults families.  This RFP provides service funding for scattered-site supportive housing serving young adults who are pregnant or parents and who are currently in a DHS or DYCD shelter, are aging out of foster care, or at risk of homelessness. As with the other NYC 15/15 supportive housing RFPs, all referrals will have approved 2010e supportive housing applications and will be coordinated by HRA.

The RFP pulls together the best of what is known for serving young adults who are homeless and who are parents. A team from NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA), NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH),  NYC Administration for Children's Services (ACS), Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD) and the City’s Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI) collaborated to ensure that the program model meets not only the best known practices for this population but will set the standard nationally for what can be done to help young adults transitioning from homelessness to stability and grow through the challenges of young adulthood and early parenthood. Our goal through these programs will be to truly help these young parents succeed and break the cycle of homelessness.

The service expectations for this RFP align with the best evidence to date to serve this population. For this reason, the service rate is fully funded at $30k. Providers will be asked to choose from a pre-selected group of evidence informed and based practices targeting young parents to ground their program. From there, providers will be able to weave in a range of models to support the educational, vocational, health, mental health and social needs of these young parents and of their children. Staffing patterns will need to be robust. Highly experienced and trained teams with on-going staff development are required to ensure staff are at the forefront of this work, and to ensure stability for the young parents and their children.

This RFP is for 90 units, with proposals due August 15th. Unlike the other NYC 15/15 Initiative RFPs, this RFP is not open ended. Three providers will each be awarded 30 units. The program size has been selected to really allow providers to come to scale with staffing and be successful in their programs. The City will be working closely with these providers for on-going program development and evaluation to continue to enhance services for young parents transitioning to stability and independence.

Providers interested to submit proposals can access the RFP through Accelerator. The pre-proposal conference will take place Wednesday July 11th at 4WTC at 2pm.  For further information, please contact: Patricia Dawson at

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