Categories: Funding, New York State, New York City, Member News

On November 18th, Governor Cuomo announced the fourth round of conditional awards for the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI). The awards went to 108 nonprofit agencies totaling 161 projects across the state. Seventy-five percent of the recipients are members of the Supportive Housing Network of NY.
The conditional awards will provide service and operating funds for at least 1,200 units of supportive housing. This is the fourth year of funding in the Governor’s 15-year commitment to develop 20,000 new units of supportive housing. Awardees will be able to take their conditional ESSHI awards to secure capital funding for projects.
ESSHI provides housing for vulnerable populations, including chronically homeless individuals and families; young adults with histories of incarceration, homelessness or foster care; individuals with health, mental health and/or substance use disorders; victims of domestic violence; veterans; and frail or disabled senior citizens. For more information, please visit the Network’s Funding Guide.
Congratulations to all the organizations who were successful in this round!