
Newsfeed Category: New York City

The Network Testifies at NYCC Charter Revision Committee Commission About ULURP


On May 9th, the Network’s Policy and Planning Director Rebecca Sauer testified at the New York City Council Charter Revision Commission to offer suggestions on improving the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) as it pertains to supportive housing development. Testifying late in the seven-hour hearing, Rebecca emphasized that the critical need to develop as much supportive housing as quickly as possible in order to address New York City’s homelessness crisis needs to be balanced with the need to garner comprehensive community input, including voices from the local homeless community.

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The Network Testifies to NYS Legislature on Rent Regulations for Scattered Site Supportive Housing


On May 2nd, Network Executive Director Laura Mascuch provided testimony at the New York State Assembly’s Committee on Housing’s public hearing on rent-regulated housing. While thanking Assemblymembers Latoya Joyner and Steven Cymbrowitz for advancing Bill No. A07115, which would provide rent stabilization provisions to nonprofit housing providers’ new scattered site supportive housing units, she encouraged the sponsors to accept a friendly amendment to the bill that would extend the protections to the 14,000 existing scattered-site units and formerly homeless disabled families and individuals currently living there.

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Supporters, Developers, and Government Cheer Residents’ New Home in the Bronx


On April 16th, the Network joined member Services for the UnderServed (S:US) to celebrate the transformation of a vacant lot in the Bronx into a seven-story apartment building – and the transformation of lives through the offer of permanent homes. With 74 apartments, including 19 reserved for formerly homeless individuals with mental health challenges and 45 reserved for formerly homeless veterans, the housewarming’s goal was to wish the building’s residents “every hope and every dream that comes with having a new home,” said Judith Jackson, Chief of Staff of S:US.

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Comunilife Celebrates 54 New Units of Supportive Housing at Woodhull Residence in Brooklyn


On April 3rd, Comunilife welcomed guests, colleagues, partners, and friends to the long-awaited opening of Woodhull Residence after 13 years of work.

Rosa M. Gil, President and CEO of Comunilife, opened the event’s speaking program by recalling a conversation with one of the building’s newest residents – a formerly homeless woman who, with new keys in hand, uttered disbelief in this new stage of her life. Gil echoed her wonder, saying, “My dream and her dream has become a reality.”

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The Network Gathers to Celebrate the Past Year in Supportive Housing


On April 11th, the Network joined the supportive housing community for its Annual Meeting. An open bar, passed hors d’oeuvres, and images of supportive housing buildings newly opened in the last year set the scene for lively conversation with familiar and new faces. The group was able to hear from Senator Brian Kavanagh, Network Board Chair Brenda Rosen, Executive Director Laura Mascuch, and Network Board Treasurer Ralph Fasano.

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Catholic Charities of New York Rings In the Opening of St. Augustine Terrace


“For us in the church, this is a no-brainer. It’s a duty. It’s something we are obliged to do,” said Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, about developing affordable and supportive housing. Some 100 friends, supporters, and church luminaries attended the opening on April 8th celebrating the long-awaited project which includes 35 units of supportive housing.

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The Network Hosts Siting Workshop for Members


On the morning of April 9th, 22 Network members gathered to learn more about the art of siting supportive housing. The workshop included presentations from Cynthia Stuart, the Network’s Chief Operating Officer, and Ralph Fasano, Executive Director of Concern for Independent Living, extensive discussion among members and an opportunity to examine and respond to fictional siting scenarios.

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Network Testifies to New York City Council about Insufficient Rates for Existing Supportive Housing


On March 6th, Network Executive Director Laura Mascuch testified at the New York City Council Committee on Finance’s hearing for the Fiscal Year 2020 Preliminary Budget. She expressed gratitude on behalf of the supportive housing community for the City’s commitment to NYC 15/15 and the Council’s recent request to the administration for its acceleration. Laura then underscored the remaining, urgent need for at least $20 million in funding to augment woefully underfunded service and operating contracts in 1,800 scattered site units contracted by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH).

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“A Tree Grows on Arthur” Through Supportive Housing in the Bronx


About 100 people gathered on March 1st under a heated tent in the Bronx to celebrate Hebrew Home at Riverdale’s groundbreaking of Arthur Avenue Apartments, the result of its second collaboration with Foxy Management. The building promises 54 supportive housing units reserved for formerly homeless or chronically medically ill residents out of a total of 176 affordable housing units dedicated to low-income older adults.

Shelly Fox, president and CEO of Foxy Management, and Jeff Fox, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Foxy Management, welcomed attendees and introduced the special guests to the event — including Jeff Fox’s one-year-old son. This was especially symbolic given that the Fox family’s presence in the Bronx had begun four generations earlier with Shelly Fox’s father settling first in the borough, where Foxy Management is based.

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Down Payment Assistance Fund for Nonprofit Developers Launches


The Supportive Housing Network is excited to help announce the launch of the Down Payment Assistance Fund (DPAF), whose creation resulted from a multi-year collaboration among stakeholders seeking to accelerate supportive housing development in New York City. DPAF is intended to assist nonprofit developers with down payments on property, allowing them to move more rapidly into contract for privately-owned sites. The nonprofits’ ownership will ensure the long-term affordability of the housing developed with DPAF as well as provide critical social services. Eligible projects will include supportive housing residences, in which the majority of units are supportive, and affordable residences in which at least 30 percent of units are set aside as supportive.

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