Categories: New York State, New York City, Network Events

This past month, the Network held a convening for NYC scattered site providers to learn about how the recently passed rent law reforms will impact nonprofit providers and tenants living in scattered site apartments.
Over 70 people attended the event held at Legal Aid Society’s training center to hear directly from NYS Homes & Community Renewal and Legal Aid about how the new tenant protection laws will impact their programs and tenants and how best to navigate the changes. HCR provided an overview of the new rent laws, including nonprofits rights as renters and HCR’s role in enforcing regulations. Legal Aid walked through “Part J” of the law which eliminates the previous exemption for supportive housing providers from rent stabilization protections and clarifies that if the apartment is rent regulated, both the tenant and the non-profit are protected under rent regulation laws.
For more information, please see the recently posted Q&A with Legal Aid Society on our blog. If you have any questions about how this might impact your organization and tenants, please contact our Albany office.