Categories: New York City, Member News, Openings

On May 9th, partners and supporters from both the State and City, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, gathered to celebrate the opening of the Institute for Community Living’s new 129-unit supportive/affordable residence, built in part on the grounds of ICL’s first residence, which opened 35 years ago. The new building will provide 129 new apartments including 78 units for a mix of formerly homeless veterans, young adults and individuals coping with mental illness and substance abuse disorders.
ICL President and CEO Jody Rudin kicked off the event celebrating the new building and what it will mean to residents. She also acknowledged the city and state partners who made the project possible, as well as former President and CEO , David Woodlock.
Newly moved-in tenant Thomas Costello spoke next…and movingly: “I can’t express what it means to have my own place.” The US Navy veteran elaborated: “If there’s anything I need, all I have to do is ask. There is a safety net here and it makes it possible for me to move forward with my life.”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams followed Mr. Costello, thanking him for sharing his story and noting how important it is for us to “see each other as neighbors.” After congratulating ICL on the opening of 50 Nevins and on 35 years of excellence he closed by once again turning to Mr. Costello saying, “you have renewed my spirit.”
NYC Council Member Lincoln Restler spoke next noting that he was supposed to be on his honeymoon but didn’t want to miss the opening of 50 Nevins, and stating simply: “The answer to homelessness is supportive housing.”
NYS HCR Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas pointed out that the 129 unit mixed use housing was a perfect embodiment of City/State collaboration – utilizing both City and State capital – and was the work of several agencies over multiple years.
Among the other speakers were NYC Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Gary Jenkins, NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) Associate Commissioner Brendan McBride and NYS Office of Mental Health’s (OMH) Assistant Director of Housing, Julie Duncan.
The building features a community room, a fitness center, a computer lab, a classroom and 24/7 front desk security. On-site services are funded by the NYS Office of Mental Health through the state’s Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative.
Capital financing was provided by NYS HCR and NYC HPD. TD Bank was the investor in the project’s Low Income Housing Tax Credits which were syndicated by the Richman Group.
Mega Contracting was the general contractor and Dattner Architects designed the building.