
Executive Budget for FY 2019 released

Categories: Funding, Federal


The White House released its FY 2019 budget on Monday February 12, 2018.  It largely repeats last year’s attempt by the executive branch to gut federal spending; a budget that was considered dead on arrival.  This proposed budget ignores the increased spending limits for FY 2018 and 2019, signed by the president earlier this year. Worse, it would shift major costs to the states and to people in poverty, especially the working poor.

Below is a chart that shows how the FY 2019 executive budget compares to the enacted 2017 budget, as well as the Network’s recommendations for FY 2018 funding levels. 

Note that the executive budget would eliminate both the HOME and CDBG programs, cutting $4 billion in block grant funding to states and localities, a $400 million loss in New York State.

Take Action:

The House and Senate continue to work on an omnibus budget bill for FY 2018, with a March 23rd deadline. We will report on the details if and when they become available. Meanwhile the FY 2019 budget process is moving forward.  Please join the Network in calling on your member of Congress and ask them to sign on to three 'Dear Colleague' letters:

Rep Gwen Moore has sponsored a 'Dear Colleague' letter to fund the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grant at $2.8 billion. The deadline is March 16th.  House Members my sign on here:

Rep. Marcia Fudge is sponsoring a 'Dear Colleague' letter to fund the HOME Program at $1.2 billion in FY 2019. The deadline for Representatives to sign on is COB Tuesday, March 13. House offices can sign on using this link.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler is sponsoring a 'Dear Colleague' letter urging the THUD Subcommittee to support Section 8 funding at $22.8 billion. The deadline to sign is March 15th. Members can sign on by contacting:

You can call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your member of congress.

Thank you for your advocacy and support!

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