
2024 Tenant of the Year Nominee Celebration

Categories: Network Events

2024 Tenant of the Year Nominee Celebration image


On February 18th the Network joined tenants nominated for the Network’s 2024 Outstanding Tenant of the Year award and supportive housing staff at Trinity Commons Parish Hall for a celebration.

Every year the Network honors outstanding tenants of the year at our annual awards gala. At the nominee breakfast, we celebrate and honor the incredible nominees who have exhibited strength, self-empowerment and growth while living in supportive housing and have made a difference in their supportive housing residence and/or larger community. We also provide tenants with a certificate of recognition for their achievements.

Network Executive Director Pascale Leone kicked off the program. To tenants she said, “Your stories are more than just words, they are a tribute – a love letter to the part of yourself that never gave up… and a to the people who believed in, and prayed on you, and stood by you when times were hardest,” and to the staff she said, “you save lives and no contract could every repay you. We thank and affirm you.”

Shams DaBaron, aka the Housing Hero, provided keynote remarks, “Each of you nominated represent resilience, perseverance and ability to rise above adversity. What truly matters isn’t just rising, it’s what you do with that rise.”

Tenants and staff had space to speak to their experience, inspiring everyone in the room:

Piggy Blake, HeartShare St. Vincents Services, said “I was homeless for seven years. I came to HeartShare and there were people who believed in me. Programs like this give people their lives back.”

Dowin McCray, Brooklyn Community Services, said, “I stand grateful to not just the program, but people who worked with me to get where I am today. It is hard to have no support with drugs and mental illness. Today, I am a peer specialist and work at an inpatient substance use organization.”

Nancy Cotto, Housing Works, said, “Housing Works showed me the way to get my life back and stay clean through jobs and peers and staff. I took the support and ran with it. I’m now an advocate fighting for our rights.”

Jurema Ferreira, Goddard Riverside, said, “I came from Brazil and didn’t have a place to live. I am so thankful for supportive housing – they taught me poetry and many other things.”

Clifton Clark, Breaking Ground said, “I became homeless but my mother taught me to sing. Now I direct the choir and have for 18 years. I’ve been drug free for 10 years. Thank God for Breaking Ground.

Consumer Advocate with Urban Pathways and Care for the Homeless Board Member, Will Woods closed out the program with a call to action to support the Homeless Protection Act.

Congratulations to the incredible tenant of the year nominees and thank you for being a beacon of light in your communities. Thank you to the supportive housing staff who recognized their tenants and show up for them every day and to Trinity Church for the generous hosting.

See photos from the event here.

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