
The Network Hosts its 22nd Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference

Categories: Network Events

The Network Hosts its 22nd Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference image


On June 20th, 2024 over 1,600 members of the supportive housing community joined the Network for its 22nd Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference. The conference featured 23 panels with experts sharing updates and best practices for providers and operators of supportive housing, including new strategies to support older adults, the power of tenant leadership, BIPOC mentorship initiatives, understanding new ways to prevent and resolve a crisis, how to foster accountability after incidents of harm, a new lifesaving overdose strategy, preserving supportive housing and ending the criminalization of homelessness.

Network Executive Director Pascale Leone kicked off the morning session followed by Network Board Chair Brenda Rosen, First Deputy Mayor, City of New York, Sheena Wright, Jericho Project Senior Director, Jonathan Castro, and Fortune Society Tenant Advocate, Helen Taylor. Pascale then introduced poet, author, actor, and model, Arielle Estoria whose work centers around empowering, encouraging, and making space for audiences of women to feel free and at home in their bodies, and she delivered a beautiful keynote speech. See recordings from the morning session here.

See full workshop descriptions, presentations, and audio recordings here. See photos from the day here.

Thank you again to everyone who supported this event.

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