
Newsfeed Category: Network Events

Jerrisa White, Outstanding Tenant of the Year


Senior Case Manager Mariah Mallory, a longtime staffer at Access: Supports for Livings says, “When I think about how much supportive housing can help people, I think of Jerrisa.” No wonder: since moving into her apartment at Temple Hill Apartments six years ago, Jerrisa has completed a Medical Certification program, has earned her driver’s license, and has secured a good paying job as a medical assistant. Oh, and did we mention that she also gave birth to twin boys five years ago and another boy a year ago?

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Jimmy Rivera, Outstanding Tenant of the Year


Jimmy Rivera is the longest surviving tenant in Project Hospitality’s HASA supportive housing, coming to the organization in the late 80’s. He has “volunteered his heart out” ever since according to PH’s President and CEO Rev. Terry Troia.

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The Network Hosts 2023 Annual Awards Gala


On November 2nd, the Network hosted its 2023 Annual Awards Gala. Members and partners across the entire supportive housing sector joined to celebrate our incredible community, to honor two Outstanding Tenants of the Year – Jimmy Rivera and Jerrisa White and, last but not least, to network.

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The Network Hosts a NetWorkshop with MATTERS on Harm Reduction and Xylazine


On August 1st the Network hosted a NetWorkshop with Medication for Addiction Treatment and Electronic Referrals (MATTERS) on MATTERS' services for people with substance use disorder, harm reduction and information about Xylazine.

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The Network Hosts its 21st Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference


On June 29th over 1,500 members of the supportive housing community joined the Network for its 21st Annual New York State Supportive Housing Conference. The conference featured 23 panels with experts sharing updates and best practices and tools for providers in supportive housing including how to utilize harm reduction, affirm LGBTQIA+ communities, the importance of using humanizing language, de-escalation, clinical risk management and supporting staff.

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The Network Joins the National Alliance to End Homelessness’ Advocacy Day


This month at the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the Network once again spearheaded the advocacy day, leading over 30 New Yorkers to the Hill.  This year, people with lived experience played a prominent role, leading several meetings including a key visit to the Capitol in which we met with New York’s Senior Senator, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.  Our primary ask was for a substantial increase in funding in the Housing and Urban Development budget including an additional $3.9 billion for the McKinney-Vento program, which happily passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee later in the week.  Also joining us in the effort were several representatives from Network members, Continuum of Care leaders, and Ann Oliva, the CEO of NAEH, who joined the meeting in Hakeem Jeffries’ office.  Thanks to all who attended.  

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The Network Hosts a Reasonable Accommodations in Supportive Housing NetWorkshop


On Thursday,  April 20th the Network was joined by The Legal Aid Society and Mobilization for Justice for a NetWorkshop on reasonable accommodations in supportive housing.

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The Network Hosts a Briefing on Mayor Adams’ City of Yes Housing Opportunity Proposal


On Thursday, March 23rd the Network was joined by the New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) for a briefing on the Mayor’s City of Yes Housing Opportunity Proposal. DCP presented key strategies and recommendations identified in the proposal aiming to further fair housing and simplify restrictive zoning, including those specific to expanding opportunities for affordable and supportive housing. There was then an extensive Q&A session with attendees.

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The Network Hosts a City Council Supportive Housing Briefing


On March 14th the Network hosted a City Council Supportive Housing Briefing with Council Member Lincoln Restler at Breaking Ground’s 90 Sands residence. The Network outlined some supportive housing basics and how council members, staff and other elected officials can get involved, support and spur development in their districts.

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The Network Celebrates the Past Year in Supportive Housing


On March 9, 2023 the Network joined some 120 members of the supportive housing community for our 2023 Annual Meeting to reflect on and celebrate the past year in accomplishments and challenges as well as vote in the 2023 Board of Directors.

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