
Newsfeed Category: Funding

The Network Lobbies in Albany


Front row from left to right: The Network’s Edline Jacquet, Jeff Nemetsky –Brooklyn Housing & Community Services Inc., Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Samelys Lopez & Eric Herman –Common Ground. Back row from left to right: Kate Milkens – Lantern Community Services, Evelyn Rodriguez – BronxWorks, Janet Miller – CAMBA, Elizabeth Hoffman- Citizens’ Committee for Children of NY

The Network, along with HSU, brought a 75-person strong force to Albany on February 3rd to lobby for an expanded statewide NY/NY 4 agreement and budget increases for critical supportive housing and homelessness prevention programs. Here is a slideshow from the day -- feel free to share!

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Network Signs on to Letter to the Governor


The Campaign 4 NY/NY Housing (the “Campaign”) wrote Governor Cuomo a letter on February 3, 2015 acknowledging the tragedy of record homelessness in New York City and requesting a much more substantial commitment to addressing this dire need.  The 5,000 units of supportive housing statewide announced by the Governor in his Executive Budget are a positive seed to this effort, but we need much more.

The Network is one of nearly 200 organizations signing on to this critical effort.

The letter outlined the desperate need for a much greater commitment to supportive housing in addition to these 5,000 units. The Network supports the Campaign's ask of 30,000 units in NYC, and requests an additional 5,000 units upstate.

Governor Cuomo Announces a New Statewide NY/NY 4


Governor Andrew Cuomo and Network Executive Director Laura Mascuch

The Supportive Housing Network of New York was honored to participate in Governor Cuomo's January 18th Press Conference announcing his 2015 Opportunity Agenda and ten point plan to combat poverty and fight inequality. 

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Mario Cuomo’s Legacy


Father John Felice, Governor Mario Cuomo, Richard Searls, Barbara Sabol, Mayor David Dinkins, Bill Jones, and Nancy Wackstein at the Historic Signing of the First NY/NY Agreement

Millions of New Yorkers are deeply saddened by the passing of the great Mario Cuomo, but we in the supportive housing community need to draw attention to one of his very greatest achievements as Governor: The New York/New York Agreement to House Homeless Mentally Ill Individuals.

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Few Gains for Supportive Housing in FY 2015 Federal Budget—and Trouble Looming in FY 2016


The FY 2015 budget passed by Congress December 12th is not positive for supportive housing: most of the programs that our community depends on are either flat-funded or cut. Even programs that received a small increase – like the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Grants Program – will experience functional cuts as a result of increased program rents and first time renewals.  Similarly, the increase to the HUD 811 program is projected to only fund the current portfolio.  The only real increase is a new allocation of $75 million for the VASH vouchers for veterans.

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HCR Releases 2014 Unified Funding Round RFP


NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) has released its annual Unified Funding Round Request for Proposals (RFP) for its Multifamily Capital and Credit Programs. Those seeking funding must submit early round applications by October 7th and regular round applications by December 4th.

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HCR Announces Medicaid Redesign Team Capital Funding


NYS Homes & Community Renewal (HCR), acting through the Housing Trust Fund Corporation, has announced the funding availability of up to $25,000,000 in capital funds to expand supportive housing for high cost Medicaid populations throughout New York State.  Applications may be submitted between July 1, 2014 and January 31, 2015 or until all funds offered are committed.

HCR is seeking proposals from development teams that include service providers who have awards funded through the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Supportive Housing Allocation Plan, the NY/NY III Agreement or from other federal, state and municipal funding streams that provide social service funding for high need and high cost Medicaid recipients, to develop multifamily supportive rental housing projects either through new construction or the gut rehabilitation of vacant buildings. 

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OTDA Announces Medicaid Redesign Team Capital Funding


The NYS Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation (HHAC) and the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) have announced the availability of $10 million in funding through the 2014 Homeless Housing and Assistance Program Medicaid Redesign Team Capital Funds (HHAP/MRT) program to develop supportive housing for homeless individuals with histories of substantial Medicaid use.  OTDA will begin accepting applications for funding on June 30, 2014 as part of the HHAP open Request for Proposals (RFP).

HHAP provides grants and loans to acquire, construct and rehabilitate housing for persons who are or would otherwise be homeless. Projects eligible for HHAP / MRT funds must provide permanent supportive housing to homeless single individuals who exhibit conditions or histories recognized to be associated with high Medicaid usage. Examples include but are not limited to single adults who have experienced chronic homelessness, physical disability, mental illness, substance abuse, and/or other disabling conditions.

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New York State Releases Three Supportive Housing RFPs


New York State released three Requests for Proposals (RFPs) last week to fund the development of new supportive housing programs across the state.

Among them, the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) released its 2014 Homeless Housing and Assistance Program (HHAP) RFP. This RFP will provide $63 million in capital for the development of supportive housing projects throughout the state. OTDA will begin accepting applications for funding on June 30, 2014. This is an open-ended RFP, which means proposals will be accepted on a continual basis. You can read our complete overview of this RFP here.

The NYS Office of Mental Health also released an RFP for the development and operation of up to 154 units of Supported Housing in New York City. These units will house individuals who have a serious mental illness and meet a number of additional criteria. Applications for this RFP are due July 15 with a letter of intent due June 10.

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Unified Funding Round Awards Announced


NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) has announced the capital awards for its 2013 Unified Funding Round, which allocates federal 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Housing Trust Fund dollars to affordable housing development projects.

Based on the Network’s preliminary analysis, the 2013 Unified Funding Round finances a total of 164 supportive housing units. This number represents a decrease from 2012, when 389 units saw funding. Supportive housing accounted for 8% of the 2,092 affordable units funded this year. In an average year, supportive housing comprises 17% of the units funded through the UFR. Much of this drop can be attributed to the forthcoming end of the New York/New York III Supportive Housing Agreement, a 10-year commitment that concludes next year.

Of the 37 projects funded, seven include supportive housing apartments. In total, Low Income Housing Tax Credits funded $2.3 million in supportive housing projects. Those funded include:

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