
Newsfeed Category: Funding

Network/HSU Lobby Day and State Budget Update


Network members, tenants & staff meet with Senator Martin Malave Dilan (left) and Senator Frank Skartados (right).

Over 100 Network members came to Albany on March 8th to call on the Legislature to ensure that the state commits adequate resources towards the first phase of the Governor’s plan to build 20,000 units of supportive housing statewide over 15 years. We met with over ninety legislators and staff to ask for support for both this new supportive housing program while also advocating for critically important existing services and housing programs currently serving formerly homeless individuals and families.

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Nonprofits Need to Aggressively Identify, Assess and Address Risk


Guest post by Allison Sesso, Executive Director, Human Services Council of NY

New York’s nonprofit human services providers deliver essential services that help people live stable and productive lives. The government transfers these support functions to the more efficient and nimble nonprofit sector in order to save on costs. For the current fiscal year, the combined value of government human services contracts in New York is estimated at more than $5.8 billion.

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Mayor de Blasio Releases His Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2017


Last week, Mayor de Blasio released his preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2017. The $82.1 billion plan includes initial funding for the City’s 15,000 units of supportive housing over the next 15 years. The key areas impacting the supportive housing community include:

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Andrew Cuomo Pledges to Create 20,000 Units of Supportive Housing Across NYS in Next 15 Years


Yesterday Governor Andrew Cuomo committed to creating 20,000 units of supportive housing across New York State in the next fifteen years, an historic commitment of epic proportions. We are deeply grateful for this pledge and look forward to working closely with the legislature and the administration to ensure this commitment is realized.  

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First Analysis of Governor’s Budget—Historic Commitment to Supportive Housing


Governor Cuomo made an historic commitment to supportive housing yesterday in his State of the State address by committing to fund 20,000 units of supportive housing statewide over the next 15 years! This commitment, combined with that of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s 15,000 units of supportive housing in New York City, means a combined pledge to creating 35,000 units of supportive housing in New York State, the largest commitment to supportive housing in the country. This historic commitment would not have been possible without your support and dedication. Your help in working with local stakeholders, the media, and participating in more than a year of sustained advocacy made this extraordinary achievement possible. Thank you!

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Widespread Call for a Robust NY/NY4 Agreement


Major media from around New York State, and local media, continue to call on Governor Cuomo for 35,000 new units of supportive housing statewide to address the burgeoning crisis with chronic homelessness, particularly among the most vulnerable.  These articles all appeared within the past month.

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Number of Supporters for 35,000 Units Keeps Growing


Just in case you missed it:
The Network, as part of a diverse coalition including Republican and Democrat elected officials, faith leaders and more than 300 other organizations, has been advocating for a meaningful commitment to supportive housing statewide that meets the need.   Support for the campaign has been extraordinary. On Monday, Senators Young and Amedore appeared on Capitol Tonight discussing their support of a 35,000 unit commitment, having been two of the 26 Republican and Democrat Senators who signed a letter to the Governor with the same message. Read more here.

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New study supports widespread call for 35,000 units of supportive housing statewide


Legislators from around New York State support a robust NY/NY4.

There have been bipartisan calls for 35,000 new units of supportive housing across the state in recent weeks, most notably in Rochester and in Buffalo, as well as in New York City.

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Relaunch of the Funding Guide Today!


We are pleased to announce the re-launch of our website's popular funding guide, after a concerted effort by the Network's policy team.

The funding guide is an invaluable resource, given that a typical supportive housing residence receives funding from a variety of city, state, federal and private sources. Keeping tabs on these funding programs -- their guidelines, deadlines and fine print -- can be a time-consuming task.

We hope that our funding guide, a one-stop resource for anyone seeking funds for supportive housing, will facilitate the process for you. Your feedback is welcome.

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New York State Budget Update


The New York State SFY 2015-16 budget was passed early this morning, just a few hours after the April 1st deadline.  Most importantly the budget contains much good news for Network members continuing to build on several successful supportive housing initiatives. Unfortunately, the budget does not include a larger statewide supportive housing agreement. Over the next several weeks, the Network will begin a post-budget advocacy campaign for an expansion of the program.

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