

The Network is proud to host a variety of virtual workshops that are tailored to the specific needs of the supportive housing community. See our upcoming and past workshops below.

Upcoming Workshops

Please check back soon for our upcoming workshops!

Past Workshops

What To Think About When You're Preserving

On Wednesday, March 19th the Network hosted a NetWorkshop with New York State Homes and Community Renewal, New York City Housing Preservation and Development, Rockabill, and St. Francis Friends of the Poor, about preserving supportive housing. The Network has compiled tips and resources for organizations who seek to upgrade their buildings but don’t know where to start, including thinking through timing, scope, and board engagement.
Click here to see the Preservation guide.

Best Practices for Rent Collection

On Friday, January 31st, the Network hosted a NetWorkshop with Jericho Project about the release of its Best Practices for Rent Collection Guide. This comprehensive resource is designed specifically for supportive housing providers, offering guidance and strategies to manage rent collection while fostering positive relationships with tenants.

Click here to see Jericho Project's presentation.
Click here to see the Rent Collection Guide.

New York State Affordable Housing Connectivity Program

On Tuesday, July 9th the Network hosted a NetWorkshop with New York State Homes & Community Renewal (HCR) and the New York State Empire State Development’s ConnectALL Office, regarding the Affordable Housing Connectivity Program, an initiative to upgrade building and in-unit broadband infrastructure for low-income affordable housing residents – at no cost to property owners.

Click here to see New York State Homes & Community Renewal' and the New York State Empire State Development's ConnectALL presentation.

Marketing SROs: What's Worked and What Hasn't

On Thursday, April 25th the Network hosted a NetWorkshop with Lantern Community Services and Housing and Services, Inc. on strategies for successfully marketing Single Room Occupancy (SRO) units. 
Click here to see Lantern Community Services' presentation.
Click here to see Housing and Services, Inc. presentation.


NYS 1115 Medicaid Waiver NetWorkshop

On Wednesday, March 13th The Network joined with Health Management Association (HMA) for an informative NetWorkshop discussing the recent $7.5 B 1115(a) demonstration waiver amendment approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for New York state. This waiver seeks to address health equity, reduce disparities, and enhance the delivery of health-related social needs (HRSN) services through Social Care Networks (SCNs) connecting Medicaid beneficiaries with crucial social services, including transitional housing support services.


OMH Meeting on Proposed Hospital Admission and Discharge

On Thursday, March 7th The Network joined OMH representatives Julie Duncan and Dr. Flavio Casoy for a virtual discussion on proposed hospital regulations regarding mental health assessment, communication with community and residential providers, and discharge.


MATTERS, Harm Reduction & Xylazine

On Tuesday,  August 1st the Network joined Medication for Addiction Treatment and Electronic Referrals (MATTERS) for a NetWorkshop on MATTERS' services for people with substance use disorder, harm reduction and information about Xylazine. MATTERS provided a general overview of the MATTERS Network, its services, medication assisted treatment referral platform and voucher programs, followed by the history and principles of harm reduction, as well as information on the emerging threat of Xylazine and harm reduction strategies to address it.

Click here to see MATTERS presentation. 
Click here to see the presentation on harm reduction, language and Xylazine.


Reasonable Accommodations in Supportive Housing

On Thursday, April 20th the Network joined Mobilization for Justice and the Legal Aid Society for a NetWorkshop on reasonable accommodations in supportive housing.

The Legal Aid Society and Mobilization for Justice provided an overview of supportive housing providers' obligations under anti-discrimination laws, with an emphasis on requirements regarding reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities.

Click here to see Mobilization for Justice and the Legal Aid Society's presentation. Click here to see the Reasonable Accommodation Policy.


CAPS Referral Request Queue (RRQ) Training

On Thursday, December 15th The Network joined NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) for a training for supportive housing providers on the new Referral Request Queue (RRQ).

RRQ can be utilized by supportive housing providers to submit referral requests for vacant units to HRA’s Office of Supportive/Affordable Housing and Services (OSAHS). The training will provide a demo in CAPS on how to make a referral request for vacant units and an overview of the Referral Request workflow.

Click here to see HRA's presentation.


NYS Office of Mental Health Implementation Guidance on Medicaid State Plan Amendment

On Wednesday, November 16th, the Network was joined by New York State Office of Mental Health (NYS OMH) to host a NetWorkshop on implementation guidance on the Medicaid State Plan Amendment for supportive housing providers.

The 2022-23 Budget pursuant to State Plan Amendment (SPA) 20-0005 permits the State to pursue Medicaid reimbursement for Rehabilitative and Tenancy Support Services provided in OMH funded supportive housing programs. Eligible OMH supportive housing providers that choose to participate in this program will be eligible to receive enhanced OMH State Aid contract funding to further support the provision and recording of these services.

Click here to see OMH's presentation.

Supportive Housing Bill of Rights

On Wednesday, April 27th, the Network was joined New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) to host a NetWorkshop, providing an introduction to Local Law 15 (LL15), also known as the Supportive Housing Tenant’s Bill of Rights (BoR). This webinar provided clarification on the Bill of Rights, information on interviewing protocols as well as what DOHMH expects from providers. 

Click here to see DOHMH's presentation.


COVID-19 Treatments 

On March 31st, the Network was joined by the NYC Health Department for a webinar about new available treatments for COVID-19 and how the NYC Department of Health can help facilitate access to them for individuals in supportive housing.

Click here to see the COVID-19 Treatments presentation.
Click here for more information about treatments.


Supportive Housing Vacancy and Referrals

On Thursday, March 3rd, the Network and government partners hosted a webinar on supportive housing vacancies and referral processes. This webinar provided clarification of CAPS functions, the role of different agencies in providing referrals -- depending on the population served -- and the supportive housing contract.

Presenters included HRA and representatives from HASA, ACS, OMH, DOHMH and CUCS.


Click here to see the referral guide.
Click here to see HRA's presentation. 
Click here to watch a CAPS Overview and 2010e training.
Click here to see the referral webinar Q&A.

Aging in Supportive Housing

This workshop provided participants with strategies for working with aging populations across the spectrum of supportive housing. Facilitators walked through how to adapt services and engage tenants in order to foster a supportive environment where residents can age in place.

Cara Brussovansky, Clinical Coordinator West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing
Steven deMarco, Associate Director of Clinical and Social Services West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing
Sydney Kopp-Richardson, Director, National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative SAGE
Hillary Laird, Program Director, Frail Senior ESSHI Program DePaul Community Services, Rochester, New York


Re-Entry and Trauma Informed Care


This workshop helped participants to understand the trauma associated with incarceration and re-entry, how trauma can present itself, as well as potential triggers. Participants left this workshop with concrete actions as to how they can infuse trauma informed care into their practice as service providers.

Monica Bacote, School-Based Initiatives Trainer Coordinated Care Services, Inc. (CCSI), Syracuse, New York
Kelly Gonzalez, Deputy Director Center for Community Alternatives, Syracuse, New York
Phyllis Riles, Project Director, Freedom Commons Center for Community Alternatives, Syracuse, New York


Coordinated Assessment and Placement System (CAPS) Training


Effective June 30, 2021, housing providers will be required to complete all placement data in CAPS before submitting the monthly TAD report. Since the launch of CAPS on 10/26/20, system users have been able to submit TAD reports with partial data while they learned the new data requirements for the Unit, Referral, and Tenant Rosters. All required data for unit details, linking tenants to units, entering tenant information, and providing interview outcomes on referrals will need to be entered for providers to submit their June 2021 TAD report. To assist housing providers to meet the deadline, the Coordinated Entry (CE) team conducted a presentation to highlight recent enhancements to the system that allow for the user to correct unit information on occupied units, delink tenants from units, and match for the client supportive housing application or provide the necessary demographic information.

Craig Retchless, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, NYC Human Resources Administration
Robin Pagliuco, Director of Coordinated Entry, NYC Human Resources Administration


Learning about the COVID-19 Vaccines: Basics and More

On Friday, March 12, the Network presented "COVID-19 Vaccines: Basics and More" with experts from the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH). The presentation included: vaccine safety and effectiveness; reasons to take the vaccine; vaccine eligibility; how to get the vaccine; and engagement strategies for individuals who are vaccine-curious or hesitant.
Flávio Casoy, MD, Medical Director, OMH Special Projects, Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Matthew Canuteson, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Sarah Kuriakose, PhD, BCBA-D, State-wide Director of Psychology Services
Amanda Saake, LMSW, CPRP, NYCPS-P, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Director of Office of Consumer Affairs
Regina Shoen, NYCPS, Advocacy Specialist II

Working with Substance Users in a Recovery Supportive Housing Model

The first of our "Upstate Peer to Peer Networkshop Series," this workshop explored the ways housing can be used as a platform for tenants who are interested in transitioning from active substance use to recovery. Participants gained an understanding of how to engage with individuals who are actively using by utilizing harm reduction approaches and implementing motivational interviewing techniques. 

Kenneth J. Gholston, Director of Grants and Contracts, Cazenovia Recovery Services, Buffalo, New York
Jay Swarthout, Director of Managed Care Services, Cazenovia Recovery Services, Buffalo, New York


Introduction to COVID-19 Vaccines

Please note: All information in this presentation is current as of Friday, February 5, 2021. Guidance and information is constantly being updated, please see the latest information on the DOHMH Vaccine page

Dr. William Fisher, Deputy Director for Vaccine Coordination, provided an overview of vaccines and answered questions. The presentation covered: What are vaccines; vaccine equity; vaccine development and monitoring; the COVID-19 vaccines; COVID-19 vaccine distribution; and getting vaccinated.

Dr. William Fisher, Deputy Director for Vaccine Coordination, Mental Hygiene Emergency Response Group, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Supportive Housing and the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York’s Affordable Housing Program


The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY) joined the Network to present on 2021 changes to their Affordable Housing Program. The Affordable Housing Program provides grant funding to projects for the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of rental or owner-occupied housing. FHLBNY determines the program’s rules in collaboration with the Network and our members, industry experts and advocacy groups, and FHLBNY member financial institutions in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Brian Loeb, Community Investment Policy & Research Advisor
Jacob Day, Community Investment Business Development Associate

CAPS 2.0 Presentation

The Coordinated Assessment and Placement System’s team joined the Network for a CAPS 2.0 demo to review the updates, highlight some upcoming enhancements, and answer technical questions related to the system.

Craig Retchless, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, NYC Human Resources Administration
Robin Pagliuco, Director of Coordinated Entry, NYC Human Resources Administration

Uplifting Staff in Uncertain Times

COVID-19 has been unyielding in its impact and stress on staff of supportive housing agencies. Network members have found creative ways to foster a sense of community and joy in a time of isolation and anxiety. This panel featured providers discussing the ways in which they are supporting their staff and boosting morale during these uncertain times.


Click here to see Lantern's Vimeo channel and here to see photos from their Thanksgiving celebration.
Click here to see Urban Pathways' PD offerings and here to see the for their event.
Click here to see HSI's "Staying Connected While Being Apart" one pager.

Peggy Leggat, Director of Nutrition and Culinary Arts, Lantern Community Services
Tori Lyon, Chief Executive Officer, Jericho Project
Molly Mattimore, Deputy Executive Director, Housing and Services, Inc.
Kilara Soltanoff, Chief Compliance Officer, Urban Pathways

Moderator: Emily Levine, Program Associate, The Supportive Housing Network of New York

One Shot Deals Workshop

The Network, in partnership with Legal Services of New York, hosted a training on Emergency Assistance Grants, widely referred to as "One Shot Deals." This workshop discussed eligibility for One Shot Deals, including strategies on how to get applications approved, reviewed different foundations of public benefits advocacy, and applied what we've learned to real-life scenarios. 

Click here to download a template the Network drafted for the letter of support from the provider.
Click here to find a PDF of Jack's slides from the presentation.
Click here to find a one pager from HRA on Emergency Rental Assistance Grants (One Shot Deals).

Jack Newton, Director, Public Benefits & LGBTQ Advocacy, Legal Services of New York (LSNY).

Improving Wi-Fi in Supportive Housing


The COVID-19 crisis required a huge shift in supportive housing service provision from in-person to virtual, a shift a number of providers were unable to accommodate due to lack of connectivity. The Network hosted a workshop on strategies to improve WiFi in residences with June Clarke, Director of IT at Urban Pathways. Clarke discussed how Urban Pathways retrofitted several of their residences and shelters to increase bandwidth and capacity for tenants and staff at relatively low cost.

June Clarke, Director of IT, Urban Pathways

Rent Stabilization and Scattered Site Supportive Housing – Part J on the Ground


The Supportive Housing Network of New York and the Legal Aid Society hosted an interactive training to learn about the rights of scattered site supportive housing providers and tenants under Part J of the Tenant Stabilization and Protection Act enacted in 2019.

Josh Goldfein, The Legal Aid Society

CAPS Redesign Presentation

The Network partnered with NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) to present updates on the new NYC Coordinated Assessment and Placement System (CAPS).

The PACT system is being redesigned to better incorporate the HUD requirements for Coordinated Entry. The new CAPS system will allow for many new functions for housing providers to receive electronic referrals for vacant units, for referring agencies to submit more complete supportive housing applications, and much more.

The CAPS redesign will be implemented in October 2020, and HRA would like all providers to preview the new enhancements to the system.

Craig Retchless, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, NYC Human Resources Administration
Robin Pagliuco, Director of Coordinated Entry, NYC Human Resources Administration

Parenting Journey & Integrating Self-Compassion as a Standard of Care 

The Network hosted a workshop with Parenting Journey on integrating self compassion as a standard of care. Parenting Journey helps parents and caregivers increase their confidence, capability, and resiliency as individuals and as parents. While their programs have always emphasized the importance of self-care to promote family well-being, they have re-examined their strategies and elevated self-compassion in their practices to reflect the needs of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement.  Read more about the panel here

Doctors Without Borders: Supportive Housing & COVID-19

During COVID-19, the Network partnered with Doctors Without Borders (DWB) to work with supportive housing providers to offer advice on infection protection and control, isolation strategies, safety protocols for symptomatic tenants as well as through fielding other heath related questions.

Doctors Without Borders' Michelle Mays and Alaina Deans presented on both best practices as well as what they'd learned in their stay in New York City, specifically as it pertained to supportive housing. Read more about the panel here