Categories: Member News, Groundbreakings

On April 12th, Bethesda House joined government partners to break ground on Cara House, a permanent supportive and emergency housing for formerly homeless individuals. Located in Schenectady, Cara House will include 26 units of permanent supportive housing and 11 affordable units, with 16 emergency beds for adults experiencing homelessness and those re-entering the community from incarceration. Bethesda House will provide on-site services funded through the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI).
The three-story residence will be constructed on a vacant lot, previously owned by the City of Schenectady, next to Vale Cemetery.
“The combination of safe, stable and affordable housing coupled with supportive services is fundamental to our efforts to reduce homelessness.” said Office of Temporary and Disability Assistant Commissioner Daniel W. Tietz. “We look forward to the completion of Cara House and the role it will play in strengthening Bethesda House’s efforts to serve those experiencing homelessness in Schenectady County.”
“Addressing housing challenges is about more than just putting a roof over someone’s head.” Said Schenectady County Legislator and Chairwoman of the Health, Housing and Human Services Committee, Michelle Ostrelich said, “Schenectady County is proud to partner with Bethesda House to not only help individuals in need find a place to stay, but to also provide case management services so their other needs can be met.”
“We are proud to support the construction of Bethesda House’s new residence — Cara House,” said Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy. “
Financing for the project came from OTDA, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and the Federal Loan Home Bank, Schenectady County, the Neil & Jane, William & Estelle Golub Family Foundation, The Wright Family Foundation, The Schenectady Foundation, The Arnold Cogswell Foundation, the Carlilian Foundation, and contributions from many private donors.
The architect is Mike Roth, Stracher Roth Gilmore Architects and the Construction Manager is Sano Rubin.