Status: Archived
Procurement Agency
The SRO Mod Rehab Program provided rental assistance for projects that rehabilitated former hotels or Ys into permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals. The Network will no longer update this page, as all funding now goes through the Continuum of Care/McKinney-Vento Program.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Homeless individuals with disabilities, including mental illness, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit sponsors undertaking rehabilitation projects of 100 units or less requiring at least $3,000 per unit in rehabilitation costs.
Rental assistance within local FMR, with annual increases by HUD formula. These were usually less than the annual FMR increase.
Initial grant was 10 years, at which time rental payments were renewable annually.
Network Notes
- Owners were compensated for the cost of some of the rehabilitation, as well as the other costs of owning and maintaining the property, through the rental assistance payments, payable through a contract with the local public housing authority.
- Tenants paid 30% of their income for rent. However, rental formulas were calculated by the housing authority that processed the rental payments and were often inadequate for the special needs of the population served.
- Due to the long term of the initial grant period (10 years), this program is no longer popular. Shorter time periods in other McKinney-funded programs allow for larger annual grant amounts. Nonprofit providers have found it difficult to negotiate rents sufficient to sustain the project after the 10-year term is up for renewal. Ongoing rental assistance originates from HUD's multifamily division, differing from where the McKinney funds are, which is the cause of much confusion about these programs.
- SRO Mod Rehab proects are eligible to enter the Rental Assistacne Demonstration program to convert the rental assitance to a Project-Based Section 8 Contract.
For More Information
For more information on this program, visit HUD's website, where you'll find a guidebook and program overview.
Find your local Continuum of Care contact here.
For rental assistance and RAD inquiries:
Sara Tempel, Director of Policy and Rental Assistance Programs
Office of Development
Department of Housing Preservation and Development
100 Gold Street, 9G-11, New York, NY 10038
T: (212) 863-7322
Last updated: 08/28/2019