Status: Archived
Procurement Agency
For most updated info please refer to Continuum of Care (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program). The Network will no longer update this page, as all funding now goes through the Continuum of Care/McKinney-Vento Program.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Homeless individuals and families with disabilities including mental illness, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofits providing permanent supportive housing.
Funding Award Details
Part of McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care grant program. Awards were based on local planning process.
Based on local Fair Market Rents (FMR).
Initial grant is five years, after which the grant is renewable annually at the current FMR.
Network Notes
- S+C funding was awarded to a unit of state or local government or a public housing authority (PHA). These entities could then sub-allocate the funds to a sponsoring nonprofit agency.
- In New York, the two state agencies that administered S+C were the Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS). In New York City, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) administered S+C grants. In other areas of the state, local housing authorities, departments of mental health or social services administered S+C.
- The S+C program allowed for a variety of housing choices and a range of supportive services, in response to the needs of the hard-to-reach homeless population, such as homeless adults with chronic disabilities.
- Typically, grants were able to serve more people than originally planned as tenants become more economically independent. More importantly, the initial five-year grants were renewed annually and non-competitively after the fifth year. At that time, providers could request additional units if they have over-leased, creating a one-time opportunity to expand the existing program.
For More Information
For more information on S+C, visit HUD's website. There, you'll find a S+C factsheet, resource manual and program guide.
HUD Buffalo Field Office
William O'Connell
(716) 551-5755, x5800
HUD New York Regional Office
Vincent Hom
(212) 542-7401
Last updated: 08/30/2019