Status: Archived
Operating, Services
State, New York City
Procurement Agency
NY/NY III provides service and operating funding for permanent supportive housing projects or licensed CR-SROs in New York City. All of the units for this population have been awarded, and the RFP for the funding of these units is now closed.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Chronically homeless single adults who are diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) or as mentally ill and chemically addicted (MICA).
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit service providers in New York City.
- $21,030 per unit for Community Residence-Single Room Occupancy (CR-SRO) residences
- $18,136 per unit for Supported Single Room Occupancy (SP-SRO) residences
- $14,197 for scattered-site units
DOHMH: The maximum annual per-unit amount for Pop A units is $14,888.
- The OMH contract term is five years with an intial period of one year and four annual renewals.
- DOHMH anticipates that awarded contracts will be for an initial three-year period with two three-year options to renew.
Network Notes
New York/New York III is a City-State agreement to create 9,000 units of supportive housing in NYC by 2016. 3,950 units were contracted for "population A."
- Under the agreement, OMH had 750 scattered-site units and 425 congregate units.
- DOHMH had 1,750 units, all congregate.
OMH issued requests for proposals (RFPs) for their units in the first few years of the Agreement; DOHMH had one rolling RFP for their share of the units.
In the case of congregate units, these awards are conferred as soft commitments until the building is in construction.
Generally, providers applying to OMH have an option to develop a licensed CR-SRO or a SP-SRO for a minimum of 45 individuals and a maximum of 60. Most projects house 45-65 individuals, depending on the size of the site and other variables. Applicants to DOHMH have no unit restrictions.
All of the units for this population have been awarded, and the RFP for the funding of these units is now closed
For More Information
For additional information on DOHMH's RFP, see here.
Since this program is no longer active, interested providers should see NYC 15/15 or the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative for current funding options.
Gail Wolsk
Office of Housing Services
Caren Abate
NYC Field Office
(212) 330-6367
Last updated: 09/04/2019