Status: Closed
Operating, Services
Procurement Agency
HOPWA formula grants are used to provide service and operating funding for supportive housing serving those with HIV/AIDS across the United States.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families. Eligible individuals generally have incomes at or below 80% area median income (AMI).
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit organizations, local communities, or local governments are eligible to apply.
Since the passage of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA), formula grants to States and Metropolitan Statistical Areas are based on "living with HIV" data, rather than "cumulative AIDS cases."
Terms of subsidy vary among procurement agencies. Contracts are awarded and renewed annually.
Network Notes
- Cities are awarded grants to serve their surrounding localities or Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Areas (EMSA). Allocations are proportional to the number of HIV/AIDS cases, both past and present. All localities that do not fall within an EMSA receiving HOPWA funding are eligible for state HOPWA grants through OTDA.
- For providers funded under the New York City EMSA (Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Area), DOHMH solicits community input for the HOPWA portions of its Consolidated Plan submissions to HUD. Providers are encouraged to take part in this collaborative planning process to secure the needed New York City HOPWA funding. To encourage collaboration, DOHMH meets with the Housing Advisory Working Group and other community participants and holds regular meetings with HOPWA-funded agencies. DOHMH prefers funding permanent rather than transitional housing.
- For New York State HOPWA applicants, activities like rental assistance, support services and short-term utility costs to prevent homelessness are ranked as high priority while technical assistance, operating costs, placement and repair services are lower priority. Short-term housing is not a priority. New York State does not allocate HOPWA funds for new construction, acquisition, rehabilitation or conversion of residences. Instead, capital development funds are available through State resources like the Homeless Housing and Assistance Program (HHAP).
- Projects are considered stronger applicants if they are cost-effective, feasible, in high need of funding, run by experienced organizations and will substantially increase the number of HIV/AIDS supportive housing units amongst geographically underserved populations.
For More Information
For general information about HOPWA, visit HUD's website.
For NYS OTDA HOPWA RFP (2018) please see here.
Each individual procurement agency manages its RFP process. Reach out to an agency contact for additional RFP information.
New York City, Putnam, Richmond, Rockland and Westchester Counties
Xiomara Pamela Farquhar
42-09 28th St 5th floor
Long Island City, NY 10011
For the rest of New York State
Jason Harper
Program Manager
Office of Temporary Disability Assistance
40 N Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12243
Last updated: 08/29/2019