Categories: New York City
Lower utility costs, increase sustainability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Volunteers of America's Creston Avenue residence is considered "ultra-green."
The City of New York has several green building programs that will help with the City’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 percent by 2050 from 2005 levels (80x50). These programs support tenants, superintendents, building owners and decision-makers from every demographic and nearly all building sizes to make building improvements to reduce GHG emissions while generating cost savings and preserving affordability. Taken together, these programs are now working with owners and decision-makers of more than 3,800 buildings representing more than 8 percent of the built square footage across New York City, and these numbers continue to grow. To get started, contact the NYC Retrofit Accelerator. Their experts will connect you to the resources and program like the ones below that make sense for your building and support you throughout your energy or water retrofit.
The NYC Retrofit Accelerator offers free, personalized advisory services that streamline the process of making building energy efficiency improvements that will reduce operating costs, enhance tenant comfort, and improve our environment. The NYC Retrofit Accelerator’s team of Efficiency Advisors should be your first step to creating an energy and water efficiency plan that best suits your building’s needs. For more information contact the NYC Retrofit Accelerator at,, or 212-656-9202.
Community Retrofit NYC is a complementary program to the NYC Retrofit Accelerator, designed to support small and mid-sized building owners in central Brooklyn and southern Queens to pursue energy and water retrofits. The team works with owners through every step of a retrofit process, from identifying opportunities for saving, to connecting to incentives, to helping select a contractor for a project. Contact Community Retrofit NYC at or call (347) 762-4792. Learn more at
The NYC Benchmarking Help Center (BHC) supports large buildings owners annually reporting their energy and water use under the NYC Benchmarking Law, and will begin helping owners of buildings larger than 25,000 square feet to comply by 2018. The BHC provides one-on-one guidance, presentations, trainings, and other resources. In order to prepare building owners, the BHC will also conduct extensive outreach in advance of the deadline. Contact the BHC,, and 212-566-5584.
NYC Building Operator Training is a no-cost, 30-hour training program for small-to-mid-sized multifamily buildings, which can improve the skills of operations & maintenance staff and help save up to 20% in energy costs. The training covers critical building systems (heating, electrical, and water) with an emphasis on preventative maintenance and energy efficiency. The program is planned to be launched in late 2016 and will have multiple classes available in locations throughout the City in 2017. Learn more and apply at
The NYC Carbon Challenge for Multifamily Buildings is a voluntary leadership program, recognizing and promoting residential property management companies that commit to reduce GHG emissions across selected buildings in their portfolios by at least 30 percent by making cost-saving energy efficiency improvements. To date, 20 New York City based residential property management firms have committed to the Challenge, pledging to reduce the GHG emissions from over 900 multifamily buildings over ten years. For more information on joining the Carbon Challenge, visit or email
HPD’s Green Housing Preservation Program assists small- and mid-size building owners finance energy efficiency and water conservation measures, along with moderate rehabilitation work, through low- and no-interest loans. The Program strives to help owners undertake improvements to reduce operating costs and keep rents and/or maintenance affordable. For more information, please click here.
DEP, in collaboration with the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is offering a discount on water and sewer rates for eligible HPD or HDC-assisted affordable multifamily housing projects. Eligible projects can receive a $250 credit per residential unit on their fiscal year 2017 water and sewer bill(s) on a first-come, first serve basis as enrollment is limited. In order to qualify, buildings must: have average collectible rents or maintenance fees that are affordable to households earning up to 60% of the area median income; have an executed and recorded regulatory agreement with HPD or HDC that restricts 100% of residential units with at least 15 years remaining; all buildings charged on the MCP rate must be compliant with MCP’s conservation criteria; all buildings must be in good standing with the City by demonstrating current payments or payment plans with DEP and the Department of Finance.
Utilities also have resources and incentives that can help you finance your energy retrofit.
The National Grid Direct Install Multifamily Program – Long Island, Brooklyn, parts of Queens, Staten Island provides gas and water efficiency measures to residents of properties with 5 or more units with eligible National Grid gas accounts in that utility's NYC and Long Island service territories. Residents get: free high-efficiency showerheads; free water saving aerators and showerheads (in buildings with eligible National Grid gas accounts) to save the building money on its water bill and domestic hot water heating. If feasible, the property may also receive free installation of thermostatic radiator valves ("TRVs") to improve the distribution of heat among the apartments. Call 800-427-6318 to find out if your gas-heated building is eligible and to apply for these free energy saving measures which are installed by the Association for Energy Affordability, National Grid's implementation vendor. For more information about National Grid multifamily energy efficiency incentives, call Vince Perez at 718.292.6733 ext. 8251.
Con Edison has renamed its multifamily program, which is now called the Consolidated Multi Family Program (CMFP). The program is now open to multifamily properties of 5 or more units. Network members with larger buildings that were not eligible for the original Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program may wish to enroll their buildings under the expanded CMFP program. Affordable Housing properties with eligible Con Edison firm gas accounts can get: free air sealing; free boiler tune-ups, up to 10 free LED light bulbs installed per apartment; free water saving aerators and showerheads (in buildings with eligible Con Edison gas accounts) to save the building money on its water bill and domestic hot water heating; free thermostatic radiator valves ("TRVs") in apartments (in buildings with one-pipe steam where installation is feasible); “custom” efficiency measures not included in the program's list of prescriptive incentives (with an approved custom measure assessment); free common area lighting and electrical measures - only for properties served by Con Edison networks in targeted demand management areas (such as the “BQDM” area of Brooklyn and Queens). For more information, email Marta Bell at the Association for Energy Affordability, Inc. or call her at 212-279-4307.