
Housing First! Co-Chairs Publish Op-Ed

Categories: Federal, Press


Article calls on Congress to exempt housing programs from sequester cuts

The co-chairs of the Housing First! coalition published an op-ed in today's Gotham Gazette on the need for federal action to spur affordable housing development.

In the piece, Network Executive Director Ted Houghton and Network Board Member Todd Gomez argue that affordable housing programs should have bipartisan appeal in Washington, DC. These programs help drive the economy, create housing for low-income Americans and reduce the amount of money spent on costly public services such as emergency care. 

The writers urge Congress to enact three specific measures before the end of this year:

"1) Exempt HUD homeless and housing programs from the sequester and further cuts, 2) Protect LIHTC and tax-exempt bonds in tax reform, and legislate minimum and permanent fixed LIHTC rates, and 3) Provide government guarantees for low-income rental housing in GSE reform, including a dedicated revenue source for the National Housing Trust Fund."

We strongly support the arguments made here by our Executive Director and Board Member. We urge you to read the article and share it with those you know.

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