Categories: Federal

On December 17th, Congress approved increases to the HUD budget that impact supportive housing.
The House and Senate have agreed on across-the-board funding increases for the HUD programs that are key to supportive housing. It is expected that the President will sign the bill, avoiding a government shutdown. This represents an incremental increase keeping the programs whole, not a major new investment.
- McKinney-Vento funding increased by $141 million to $2.78 billion, a 5% increase over FY 2019
- Tenant Based Rental Assistance rose by over $1 billion which includes increases for Veterans Administration Supportive Housing (VASH)
- Project Based Rental Assistance increased by $823 million
- HOME saw another increase of $100 million and is now funded at $1.3 billion
- Modest increases were also awarded to HOPWA, Section 811 for Disabled People and Section 202 for Seniors
Unfortunately, provisions in the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) that had broad bipartisan support were not included in the accompanying tax extenders bill. AHCIA remains a key legislative priority for the Network in 2020.