Categories: New York City

The New York City Council has responded to the Mayor's FY24 Preliminary Budget with a call for investments to offset cuts and deliver key programs. The Council identified $2.7 billion in additional resources over Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 and is proposing approximately $1.3 billion in investments to support its priorities, with $1.4 billion to be set aside in reserve to offset risks.
We are encouraged to see the council response identify areas of expansion for supportive housing, including:
- Doubling the Supportive Housing and ELLA Loan Programs
- Expanding NYC 15/15 for youth aging out of foster care
- $57.8 million in the Justice Involved Supportive Housing Initiative
- Increasing HPD’s budget to $4 million
However, while we thank the Council for recognizing that last year’s $60 million investment was egregiously insufficient, this year's allocation of an additional $60 million falls short of the $200 million necessary for the 6.5% COLA the sector is demanding.
The Council response also called for community based behavioral health across the city by increasing investments in the following areas:
- Crisis Respite: $4 million to expand and support new Crisis Respite Centers across the city, while reducing barriers to referrals, and investing in the clubhouses/day centers, similar to Fountain House.
- ACT and FACT: Ten additional Assertive Community Treatments teams (ACT) and two additional Forensic Assertive Community Treatment teams (FACT), which target those with legal system involvement.
Other items included full funding and baselining budgets for HASA SROs, addressing the high staffing vacancy rate at HPD, and increasing HRA’s capacity to efficiently and effectively administer essential housing assistance and voucher programs.
See full response HERE.