Categories: New York City

The NYC Council recently released its response to Mayor Adams’ FY 23 Preliminary Budget.
The Network is heartened to see the Council’s commitment to investing in the well-being of all New Yorkers, by heeding the housing communities’ call for an increase in affordable housing production, including the expansion of NYC 15/15 beyond its current target, and instituting a cost of living increase for human service workers. The Council also called on the administration to ensure HRA and HPD have adequate staffing to address delays related to supportive housing.
Another round of budget hearings are expected to begin in the City Council in May and we will continue to advocate for our priorities leading up to the Executive Budget this spring and the final budget adoption on July 1st.
HPD Capital
The Council included the United for Housing ask for a $4 billion capital investment for housing, including $2.5 billion for HPD. The Council urged the mayor to make good on his promise to prioritize those who are most impacted by housing insecurity and homelessness, such as older adults (including LGBTQIA+ elders), those experiencing homelessness, survivors of domestic violence, and other vulnerable populations.
HPD Staffing
The Council called on the administration to restore and baseline $1 million funding in the Executive Budget for 28 full-time positions removed from HPD’s budget in the FY 2023 Preliminary Plan.
Human Services Contract Increases/COLA
While the State Executive Budget included a 5.4% increase across most human services contracts, the Mayor’s preliminary budget did not include an increase for our essential workforce. We are delighted that the Council included $60 million for the nonprofit human services sector.
Expanding NYC 15/15
Not specifying a unit total or dollar amount, the Council called on the administration to expand NYC 15/15 beyond its current target of 15,000 units and included a particular focus on youth with foster care history. The Council also recommended that City expand eligibility of homeless set-asides and supportive housing placements under NYC 15/15 to include survivors of domestic violence.
Expanding JISH
The Council seeks to invest $28.4 million to expand the Justice Involved Supportive Housing (JISH) program by 1,000 beds.
Additionally, the Council included:
$47.9 million to fully fund HASA SRO emergency shelter units
$114.9 million to expand funding for drop-in centers, safe haven beds & stabilization beds
$49.4 million restored to DHS to convert hotels to housing for homeless families, with light-touch services
$41.6 million to increase domestic violence shelter capacity
$6 million for more runaway homeless youth beds