
City Approves $100 Million to Accelerate Supportive Housing Production in NYC

Categories: Funding


The FY2019 adopted budget accelerates $100 million in capital funding for supportive housing to increase the annual production by 40 percent.

On June 11th, Mayor Bill de Blasio, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, Council Finance Chair Daniel Dromm and members of the City Council came to an agreement for an on-time and balanced City budget for Fiscal Year 2019, beginning on July 1st. The expense budget totals $89.15 billion and the capital budget totals $11.2 billion.

In light of the acuity of the homelessness crisis and the support of both our agency partners and the City Council, the FY2019 adopted budget accelerates $100 million in capital funding for supportive housing to increase the annual production by 40 percent, from 500 newly constructed units per year to 700. The Network greatly appreciates that the City of New York recognizes the importance of our members’ work and looks forward to assisting both the City and our members in implementing the acceleration of NYC 15/15.

Additionally, to implement the acceleration of NYC 15/15 development, the adopted budget added $1.85 million to the HPD expense budget in FY2022 (and baselined into the out-years). This adjustment will provide funding for rental assistance for the additional 200 congregate units produced in FY2019-2022 that will begin coming online. The budget also added $2 million to the DOHMH expense budget beginning in FY2022 (baselined) to fund services for NYC 15/15 units.

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