Categories: Network Events

On Friday, January 13th the Network joined tenants nominated for the Network’s 2022 Outstanding Tenant of the Year award with supportive housing staff at HELP USA’s headquarters.
Every year the Network honors outstanding tenants of the year at our annual awards gala. At the nominee breakfast, we celebrate and honor the incredible nominees who have exhibited strength, self-empowerment and growth while living in supportive housing and have made a difference in their supportive housing residence and/or larger community. We also provide tenants with a certificate of recognition for their achievements.
Network Executive Director Pascale Leone kicked off the program. To tenants she said, “It is very clear that I’m standing before supportive housing leaders, those that command and inspire and have the strength and resiliency to overcome insurmountable odds. This motivates us to fight alongside you." To the staff she said, “You are saving lives every day. We recognize that and that’s why we are here.”
Tenants and staff then had space to speak to their experience, inspiring everyone in the room:
“When you put your mind to something, the most powerful weapon in the world is your brain.” – Luis L.
“Just because of what happened in your life, don’t let that stop you for you or your kids. Capitalize on every opportunity and never take no for an answer.” – Renee M.
Many spoke to the impact supportive housing has had on them and singled out what staff had done for them:
“In supportive housing, I’ve never met so many people with empathy. Someone is always there to help me with everything. Everything you need is always done. I’ve been able to succeed.” – Warren B.
“If it wasn’t for my coach right here, I don’t know where I would be.” – Cynthia H.
“I’ve broken down many times trying to get to where I am today. My mind started changing when I experienced harm reduction. I needed that versus abstinence. That’s when it all started making sense.” – Maliq E.
Numerous tenants also spoke to the need for higher wages for their staff:
“Case workers don’t have enough money to live on. We’ve made strides, but they should put in every contract a minimum wage for our workers and fund it.” – Warren B.
“When they said “essential workers,” they never said social workers. We need to stand up in tandem. Thank you, social workers for being in the trenches and fighting the good fight.” – Tyler W.
Congratulations to the incredible tenant of the year nominees and thank you for being a beacon of inspiration in your communities. Thank you to the supportive housing staff who recognized their tenants and to HELP USA for the generous use of your beautiful space.