Trolley Station Apartments Opens in Canandaigua
On September 18th, DePaul hosted an open house for its brand new supportive housing residence in Canandaigua, NY. Trolley Station Apartments is a homey and spacious 48-unit affordable/supportive housing complex with 22 units dedicated to serving individuals with mental health challenges. The name pays homage to the site’s former use as a stop on a trolley line that transported workers at a large Civil War era orphanage.
Continue Reading$21.6 Million Awarded for Eight New Supportive Housing Projects
Governor Cuomo announced nearly $21.6 million in awards for eight supportive housing projects across New York State. Awards were made through the state’s Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance’s Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) to create a total of 265 supportive housing units.
Continue ReadingFirst Awards Announced for Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative
Last week, Governor Cuomo made the very first awards for the state’s new supportive housing services and operating program – Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI). Awards went to 84 not-for-profit agencies, totaling over 100 separate projects. Almost 80% of the awards went to Network members.
These awards will provide the service and operating funding for 1,200 units of supportive housing, the state’s first year goal of the Governor’s 15 year commitment to develop 20,000 new supportive housing units across New York State.
Awardees will now be able to take these ESSHI conditional awards to secure capital funding for projects.
As more details become available, the Network will circulate information. Congratulations to all organizations that received awards.
Continue ReadingThe Network Applauds Governor Cuomo for Advancing MOU
Yesterday, Governor Cuomo directed the New York State Division of the Budget to execute a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to release approximately $2 billion in funding for the creation of more than 100,000 units of affordable and supportive housing over the next five years, including 6,000 units of supportive housing. It now is before the Legislature for their review.
Continue ReadingEvergreen Lofts In Buffalo Cuts the Ribbon
On July 25th Evergreen Health Services held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Evergreen Lofts. This new supportive housing project is a collaboration between Network members Evergreen Health Services, providing on site services, and Southern Tier Environments for Living (STEL), the not-for-profit developer. Half of the 56 total units are for homeless individuals living with major chronic health issues. Evergreen embraces the Housing First model.
Continue ReadingNetwork Hosts HCBS Technical Assistance Webinar
The Network over the past year has been working with members to help explore the State’s new Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program and the challenges and opportunities that exist with this new program for supportive housing providers.
Continue ReadingNYS Homes & Community Renewal Releases Amended Multifamily Open Window Request for Proposals
NYS Homes & Community Renewal has released an amended Multifamily Open Window Request for Proposals. This RFP which was originally released in April for highly ready projects, has now been amended to include $150 million for 1200 units of supportive housing STATEWIDE. This capital funding is intended to complement the recently released Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative Request for Proposals for services and operating for the first 1,200 units of the state’s plan to create 20,000 units over the next 15 years. Applications will be accepted throughout the year with a final due date of March 1, 2017.
Continue ReadingEnd of Session Agreement on Supportive Housing
The Governor and NYS Legislative leaders closed out the 2016 session on June 18th with an agreement to make $150 million in new capital resources available for 1,200 units of supportive housing in this fiscal year. This capital funding is intended to complement the recently released request for proposals for services and operating to ensure timely completion of the first 1,200 units of the state’s plan to create 6,000 units of supportive housing over the next five years.
Continue ReadingNew York State SFY 2016-17 Budget PASSES - Major Supportive Housing Investment Included
The New York State SFY 2016-17 budget passed on April 1st. While much of the public debate this year was focused on a minimum wage increase, paid family leave, and shifts in Medicaid costs, there are several areas of the budget that will impact the supportive housing community in the upcoming year. Budget highlights of particular interest include:
Continue ReadingNetwork/HSU Lobby Day and State Budget Update
Over 100 Network members came to Albany on March 8th to call on the Legislature to ensure that the state commits adequate resources towards the first phase of the Governor’s plan to build 20,000 units of supportive housing statewide over 15 years. We met with over ninety legislators and staff to ask for support for both this new supportive housing program while also advocating for critically important existing services and housing programs currently serving formerly homeless individuals and families.
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