
Newsfeed Category: New York City

#JustPay Rally for 5.4% Human Services COLA in Final Budget


On May 25th, the Network joined the Human Services Council (HSC) and human services workers from nonprofits across the City for a #JustPay rally to urge the Mayor and City Council to include $86 million for a 5.4% COLA for the human services sector in the final budget.

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The Bridge Breaks Ground on Bridge Rockaway


On May 17th, The Bridge, together with Mega Contracting and Greenpoint Manufacturing & Design Center (GMDC), gathered to celebrate the literal groundbreaking for a groundbreaking new development - Bridge Rockaway - that combines 174 affordable apartments including 87 supportive with manufacturing space for up to 12 local businesses who will lease the space for below market rents. 

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Institute for Community Living Opens 50 Nevins


On May 9th, partners and supporters from both the State and City, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, gathered to celebrate the opening of the Institute for Community Living’s new 129-unit supportive/affordable residence, built in part on the grounds of ICL’s first residence, which opened 35 years ago. The new building will provide 129 new apartments including 78 units for a mix of formerly homeless veterans, young adults and individuals coping with mental illness and substance abuse disorders.

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The Network Testifies at New York City Council Hearing


On May 3rd, the Network’s Associate Director of Advocacy and Outreach Tierra Labrada delivered testimony to the City Council’s General Welfare Committee about inordinately high vacancy rates in the City’s 25,000-unit supportive housing portfolio and proposed measures to address the situation.  

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Services for the UnderServed Tops Off Melrose North


On April 5th, Services for the UnderServed (S:US) and Bronx Pro Group gathered elected officials and community partners for a virtual topping off ceremony of a new affordable/supportive housing residence, Melrose North. Located in the Bronx, the residence will create 171 new units of affordable and supportive housing - 103 supportive units serving a mix of singles and families, as well as survivors of domestic violence. Once open, S:US will provide on-site services funded by NYC 15/15 and the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI). 

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Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Opens Pope Francis Apartments at Loreto


On April 28th, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens joined government and project partners for an opening ceremony of a new affordable/supportive housing residence, Pope Francis Apartments at Loreto. 

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FY 2023 NYC Executive Budget


On April 26, Mayor Eric Adams released his FY 2023 Executive Budget. The expense budget totals $99.7 billion, a $1.2 billion increase over February’s Preliminary Budget. The Network has done a preliminary review of the budget and will be following up if more details emerge.

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City Council Response to Mayor’s FY23 Preliminary Budget


The NYC Council recently released its response to Mayor Adams’ FY 23 Preliminary Budget.

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The Network Testifies at New York City Council Hearings


In March, the Network and members testified at New York City Council Preliminary Budget Hearings.

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HELP USA Breaks Ground on HELP ONE Buildings A & B


On a brisk February 24th, HELP USA joined project partners to break ground on HELP ONE buildings A and B. Once complete, HELP ONE will be a four-building affordable and supportive housing residence with over 500 affordable and supportive apartments. Buildings A and B will create 255 of the units, 154 of which are supportive for youth, individuals and families who have experienced homelessness. Supportive services will be provided by HELP though the NYC 15/15 Program.

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