
Newsfeed Category: Funding

President Biden’s FY 2023 Budget Released


President Biden released his FY 2023 budget request on Monday, March 28. The request would add $6.2 billion to last year’s HUD budget, putting the total at $71.9 billion. Additionally, the proposed budget also includes $50 billion in other federal investments in affordable housing including:

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HUD announces Continuum of Care Awards


Last month, HUD announced the Continuum of Care Awards for the FY 2021 competition, totaling $2.6 billion nationally.  In New York State, 24 CoCs received $261 million, a 6% increase over the prior year.  NYC won $145 million, a 5% increase.  Most of the funding supports existing permanent supportive housing rental assistance programs, so the funding increases largely support increased Fair Market Rents.  Congrats to all CoCs and funded programs.  Please contact with details about this funding, as we gear up for another federal budget year.

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The NYS Senate and Assembly Release One House Budget Proposals


The NYS Senate and Assembly released their one house budget proposals over the weekend. Below is an updated summary on how both proposals compare to the Governor’s proposed budget. 

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NYS HCR Announced 9% Awards


New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) announced the Summer 2021 9% Multifamily awards in December.  A total of 21 affordable housing projects received awards, two thirds of which have a supportive housing component resulting in funding 277 supportive out of a total of 1,178 affordable (24%).  In all, the announcement included $23 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credits, which will generate over $200 million in private investments. An additional $23 million in Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (SHOP) as well as several other capital resources are included in the spring awards.

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NYSSHP Funding Announced


On December 16th, New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) announced $40 million in funding under its New York State Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP) $39 million of which renews funding for existing programs, and $691,000 for 6 newly funded agencies.  NYSSHP provides a small amount of services funding to serve homeless individuals, young adults and families in more than 17,000 units of supportive housing statewide, 10,000 of which are in NYC in partnership with the Department of Homeless Services.

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Governor Releases SFY 2023 Executive Budget


The Governor released the SFY 2023 $216.3 billion Executive Budget yesterday. It includes substantial provisions, many of which the Network advocated for, to help existing supportive housing programs as well as continuing to expand new supportive housing development across New York State.

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DePaul Breaks Ground on Veddersburg Apartments


On July 22nd, DePaul joined development and government partners as well as elected officials to break ground on Veddersburg Apartments, a new affordable/supportive residence providing 62 homes to a mix of individuals with mental health diagnoses and local income-eligible households. 

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Network Speaks at City Council Press Conference Opposing Affordable Housing Budget Cuts


Network Executive Director Laura Mascuch joined fellow housing advocates to speak at Council Members Brad Lander, Vanessa Gibson and Robert Cornegy’s press conference opposing affordable housing cuts in the capital budget. The event followed the release of Lander and Gibson’s:  
A Capital Mistake for NYC, an analysis on the costs to housing, jobs, and infrastructure of proposed cuts to capital spending. 

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Ecomonic Impact Payments For Low Income Households


As you probably know, all low-income individuals are eligible for a $1,200 stimulus check ($2,400 for joint returns, $500 for each qualifying child) known as Economic Impact Payments.

Any low-income individual who has filed a tax return in the past two years and cannot be claimed as a dependent will receive the monies automatically.

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