
Newsfeed Category: Community Corner

June/July Community Corner


In July 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law which, for the first time, provided comprehensive civil rights to people with disabilities. Twenty-five years later, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio declared July Disability Pride Month to commemorate this significant legislation. This month serves as a time to honor the uniqueness and diversity of the disability community, challenging the stigma this community faces.

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May 2024 Community Corner


The Network celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with member spotlights on social media.

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February/March Community Corner


The Network Celebrated Black History Month in February Social Work Month and Women’s History Month in March with member spotlights on social media.

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October November Community Corner


The first supportive housing built to serve homeless Native Americans opened in 1996 in Minneapolis MN: Anishinabe Wakiagun – The People’s Home. The 45-unit four story apartment building serves native people struggling with substance use disorder.

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Summer Community Corner


BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, started by Bebe Moore Campbell who was a writer, teacher, NPR commentator and advocate for mental health, particularly for the Black community, is a dedicated time to raise awareness about the mental health challenges faced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities.

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May Community Corner


As we close out Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we hope you can check out this video, detailing the history of a groundbreaking New York nonprofit, Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE): AAFE started as an activist group calling for construction jobs for Asian American New Yorkers in the face of discrimination. In the 1980s, AAFE became one of the first nonprofit organizations to use Low Income Housing Tax Credits to create affordable housing while revitalizing the Chinatown community. AAFE continues to provide vitally important housing, community development and services in New York City.

April Community Corner


April 22nd was Earth Day and serves as an important reminder of the environmental challenges we face, including climate change and pollution. It’s also important to recognize that these issues do not affect everyone equally. Environmental racism is a form of systemic discrimination through which marginalized communities, especially communities of color, are disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards and pollution. This puts marginalized communities at a greater risk of health problems and can lead to long-term harm. Climate change has only exacerbated these issues, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events disproportionately affecting communities of color.

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March Community Corner


In honor of Women’s History Month, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) created a list of resources to address the mental health needs of women. Despite strides being made to promote gender equality and inclusivity, many women, especially women of color, still continue to face systemic barriers and oppression.

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September Community Corner


During the summer of 2020, many Americans turned to therapy in order to grapple with various events like the pandemic, the election and a summer filled with racial tensions. NPR’s Code Switch recently released an episode titled “Can Therapy Solve Racism?” exploring how two Latinx people address themes of racial and cultural identity and anti-Blackness through therapy.

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July Community Corner


July was Bebe Moore Campbell Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month. Bebe Moore Campbell was a writer, teacher, NPR commentator and advocate for mental health, particularly for the Black community.
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