

Reports created or co-created by the Network

For over 20 years, the Network has served as the hub for New York’s nonprofit supportive housing community -- connecting providers, government agencies and the private sector. This unique vantage point has allowed the Network to conduct and publish original research to reflect the totality of New York supportive housing. The Network maintains the only comprehensive database on the state’s 50,000 units of supportive housing. With this information, it seeks to advance the conversation about supportive housing through concrete reliable data. In addition, the Network also collects and disseminates original research with direct implications for supportive housing.

Below, you’ll find a collection of research reports, surveys and other studies produced by the Network and other supportive housing stakeholders. 

Important Publications in Supportive Housing


What To Think About When You’re Preserving

The Network has compiled tips and resources for organizations who seek to upgrade their buildings but don’t know where to start, including thinking through timing, scope, and board engagement. 

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Best Practices for Rent Collection

The Network has released a Best Practices for Rent Collection Guide. This comprehensive resource is designed specifically for supportive housing providers, offering guidance and strategies to manage rent collection while fostering positive relationships with tenants.

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The State of Supportive Housing

The Network released the State of Supportive Housing – a comprehensive overview of the statewide supportive housing landscape. The report includes the number of existing units, types (congregate, scattered site), programs available, populations served, geographic distribution (by region and county), and financial structure/rates, alongside a concise history and case studies featuring six supportive housing programs. 

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Reimagining NYC 15/15: A Comprehensive Reallocation Plan to Save New York City’s Supportive Housing Initiative

The Network’s analysis of NYC 15/15 eight years in and recommendations on how to re-allocate funding for 6,220 unawarded units so as to complete the City’s promise of funding 15,000 supportive housing units.

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NYC Supportive Housing Provider Referral Guide: Contacts for Re-Renting Units

The Network gathered information from State and City government partners on the referral process and re-rental referrals. 

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Reinvest, Recover, Revitalize: Supportive Housing Solutions for a Better New York

The Network released a supportive housing policy platform outlining how the next administration can ensure that supportive housing can meet its true potential to transform lives, end chronic homelessness and help New York rebuild.  

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Building Support for Supportive Housing

Supportive housing’s success over the past 30 years has garnered unprecedented local, state and federal backing and is now widely accepted as the most humane and effective approach to resolving a seemingly intractable social problem.

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Joint Venture Guidebook

The Network and Enterprise have created a Joint Venture Guidebook to help nonprofit, for-profit and faith-based organizations enter into joint ventures to develop supportive and affordable housing.

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