This report examines the HUD-VA program of providing case management and housing vouchers to homeless veterans from 2008-2014 in four cities. The study sought to understand why participants exit the program, as well as whether their health is improved by permanent supportive housing (PSH), and to provide recommendations for decreasing veteran homelessness. The study found that about half of the leased-up exiters left HUD-VASH for positive reasons such as accomplishing their goals or increased income, but about half as many non-leased exiters had positive reasons for leaving HUD-VASH.
Healthcare utilization - Around the time of entry in the HUD-VASH program, stayers and leased-up exiters used outpatient care at a higher rate than non-leased exiters, possibly because those groups were generally connected to services more than the non-leased Veterans.
Returns to homelessness - Approximately 93 percent of leased-up exiters and 90 percent of non-leased exiters did not return to VA homeless programs during the observation period.
Study: Coupling Vouchers With Supportive Services Helps Veterans Find Housing
Research category: Health