Journal of the American Medical Association, 2009, Laura S. Sadowski et al.
This peer-reviewed study, fully titled "Effect of a Housing and Case Management Program on Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Among Chronically Ill Homeless Adults," evaluates a supportive housing program operated by the Chicago Housing for Health Partnership (CHHP). The researchers compare the number of hospitalizations, hospital days and emergency room visits between 201 people in the CHHP program and 204 homeless people who received regular care without housing. All 405 adults suffered from a chronic medical condition. The study concludes that supportive housing led to reduced hospitalizations (29%), days spent in the hospital (29%) and emergency department visits (24%). The authors write that “these results provide a rationale and a blueprint for programs that address the needs of this vulnerable population.” This study was written by Laura Sadowski, Romina Kee, Tyler VanderWeele and David Buchanan.
Download Effect of a Housing Program on Hospital Use
Research category: Important Research, Cost Savings, Health