Status: Available
Procurement Agency
NYS Housing Authority, US HUD
HUD VASH provides rental assitance for veterans to obtain permanent housing with support services.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Veterans and their families who meet the federal definition of homelessness, were honorably discharged and are determined by the local VA Medical Center (VAMC) to need case management services in order to obtain and sustain their housing.
The VASH subsidy operates in accordance with Section 8 regulations (24 CFR 982.201). Tenants pay 30% of their income in rent and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides housing assistance payments directly to the landlord for the difference between the tenant's share of the rent and the fair market rent (FMR) for that locality.
Voucher holders maintain their voucher as long as they remain income eligible, receive ongoing case management from the local VAMC (or contracted provider) and do not violate Section 8 restrictions. HUD VASH vouchers are tenant based and portable so the voucher follows the tenant if they move out of the building.
Network Notes
- VASH vouchers may be project-based on a case-by-case basis. Public housing authorities (PHAs) are technically allowed to project-base up to 50% of their VASH allocation (but remain within the 20% maximum project-base allowable for their entire Housing Choice Voucher allocation). This has been difficult to implement because PHAs have had to use their annual allocation in the year the vouchers are allocated and therefore cannot reserve vouchers for projects in construction for longer than one year. For more information on project-basing, visit here.
- VASH does not include funding for housing location services. Rather, the VAMC case managers, with a mandated 25:1 case management ratio, are charged with finding housing for the veterans.
- This has contributed to an extremely low utilization rate across the country but particularly in low-vacancy areas such as New York City. HUD has indicated that it would like to issue an additional 30,000 vouchers over the next three years.
For More Information
To learn more, visit HUD's website.
Find the appropriate contacts here.
Last updated: 08/30/2019