Status: Closed
Capital, Operating, Services, Pre-development/Acquisition
Procurement Agency
Competitive HOPWA grants provide service, operating, capital and pre-development funding for permanent supportive housing for people with HIV/AIDS across the United States.
Tenant Eligibility Criteria
Low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families. Eligible individuals generally have incomes at or below 80% area median income (AMI).
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit organizations, States, or local governments are eligible to apply.
Varies based on award.
Contracts are issued annually and grants are a maximum of three years with a possible one-year extension.
Network Notes
- HOPWA is the dedicated federal source of capital to develop housing for people with HIV/AIDS. Funds are split between HOPWA's federal Competitive Program (10%) and its Formula Program (90%). Competitive grant funds may be used for acquisition, development, rehabilitation and construction-related costs.
- Since 2001, it has been mandatory that competitive grants be directed toward renewals. If funding remains, however, grants are distributed under the annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) competition to two types of projects: Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) or New Long-Term Projects. SPNS are considered innovative, directed toward underserved populations, and expected to serve as national models. New long-term projects provide supportive housing in areas that do not qualify for HOPWA formula programs; as a result, New York State is not eligible for new long-term projects.
For More Information
For general information about HOPWA, see HUD's website.
HUD Buffalo Field Office
William O'Connell
(716) 551-5755, x5800
HUD New York Regional Office
Vincent Hom
(212) 542-7401
Last updated: 09/03/2019