
In May the Network testified at three City Council Executive Budget hearings held jointly with the Committee on Finance: Committees on General Welfare on May 6th, Health, Mental Health Disabilities and Addiction on May 13th, and Housing and Buildings on May 14th.
During these testimonies, the Network thanked the Council for supporting the Network’s NYC 15/15 reallocation proposal, the human services sector COLA, and the inclusion of $6.4M for Justice Involved Supportive Housing (JISH) in Council’s preliminary budget response.
The Network also expressed concern for the Executive Budget’s cuts to the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services and late payments to providers, the decreased capital budget, and urged the council to advocate for reversed PEG cuts to the City’s mental health crisis response pilot program, B-HEARD, as well as to add peers to response teams.
See the Network’s General welfare testimony HERE.
See the Network’s Housing and Buildings testimony HERE.
See the Network’s Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction testimony HERE.