Categories: New York State

The Fall 2022 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit Request for Proposals was released September 29th by New York State Homes and Community Renewal. The application deadline is December 6, 2022. This is the second half of the annual allocation of several funding sources.
The amounts available are:
- 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) $18 million
- Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (SHOP) $30 million
- Federal Housing Trust Fund Program (FHTF) $25 million
- New York State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (SLIHC) $4 million
- Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF) $22 million
- Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund (CIF) $4 million
- Public Housing Preservation Program (PHP) $10 million
- Middle Income Housing Program (MIHP) $5 million
- Housing Development Fund (HDF) $5 million
- Senior Housing Program (SENR) $12 million
- HOME Program (HOME) $2 million
- Clean Energy Initiative Program (CEI) $6 million
HCR continues to prioritize supportive housing evidenced by $3 million of the LIHTC funds set-aside for supportive housing projects. HOME funds are also prioritized for nonprofit-led supportive housing development.
The Network will be analyzing the RFP in depth and will report on any significant changes.
To view the RFP and all other materials, visit