
NYS HCR Announces New HFA Term Sheets

Categories: New York State

NYS HCR Announces New HFA Term Sheets image


In September, new term sheets for the New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Affordable Rental Housing Program were announced. This funding supports the state’s 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and bond financing, along with several other capital programs. These funds are available through an open window procurement process.  

There are a couple of notable changes to HFA’s Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (SHOP) term sheet.

It was also announced in the new design guidelines that there will be an additional 5% of community space allowed in supportive housing projects for support services space requirements. The guidelines currently allow for 25% of the building to be common areas. Now it is 30%.  

To view all of the HFA term sheets and information about the programs, see here

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